Instrumenta and Timbre

A test of Instrumentation and Timbre

  • Created by: dani
  • Created on: 15-05-11 09:51
Similar to Symphonies but with a nominated solo instrument...Known as?
Instruments in Concertos
1 of 12
Strings, woodwind, brass and percussion (timps in Classical and early Romantic piece)?
Instruments in Symphonies
2 of 12
Music written for one player per part eg. String Quartet: 2vlns, vla, vlc
Instruments in Chamber Groups
3 of 12
Consists of a rhythm section and melodic instruments and possibly a singer?
Instruments in Jazz
4 of 12
Bases almost entirely on Lead Guitar, Rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drums?
Instruments in Jazz
5 of 12
Double stopping is?
Playing 2 notes at once on a stringed instrument
6 of 12
Plucking the strings of a bowed instruments is Pizzicato?
7 of 12
Con Arco, means playing a bowed instrument with the bow?
8 of 12
Staccato notes are?
9 of 12
Timbre is...
The tone quality of tone colour eg. The difference between a flute and an oboe
10 of 12
Col Legno is?
Using the bow the wrong way round
11 of 12
Keyboard instruments often perform alone but orchestral instruments often have solo passages to play...Correctly known as?
Instruments Singly
12 of 12

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Card 2


Strings, woodwind, brass and percussion (timps in Classical and early Romantic piece)?


Instruments in Symphonies

Card 3


Music written for one player per part eg. String Quartet: 2vlns, vla, vlc


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Consists of a rhythm section and melodic instruments and possibly a singer?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Bases almost entirely on Lead Guitar, Rhythm guitar, bass guitar and drums?


Preview of the front of card 5
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