Inspector Calls

  • Created by: Shafa
  • Created on: 10-02-17 12:50
'An Inspector Calls' is set in 1912 : The First World War would start in two years. Birling's optimistic view that there would not be a war is completely wrong.
'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:The Second World War ended in Europe on 8 May 1945. People were recovering from nearly six years of warfare, danger and uncertainty.
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'An Inspector Calls' is set in 1912:There were strong distinctions between the upper and lower classes.
'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:Class distinctions had been greatly reduced as a result of two world wars.
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'An Inspector Calls' is set in 1912:Women were subservient to men. All a well off women could do was get married; a poor woman was seen as cheap labour.
'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:As a result of the wars, women had earned a more valued place in society.
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'An Inspector Calls' is set in 1912:The ruling classes saw no need to change the status quo.
'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:There was a great desire for social change. Immediately after The Second World War, Clement Attlee's Labour Party won a landslide victory over Winston Churchill and the Conservatives.
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Priestley deliberately set his play in 1912 because the date represented an era when all was very different from the time he was writing. In 1912, rigid class and gender boundaries seemed to ensure that nothing would change.
Yet by 1945, most of those class and gender divisions had been breached. Priestley wanted to make the most of these changes. Through this play, he encourages people to seize the opportunity the end of the war had given them to build a better, more ca
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Card 2


'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:Class distinctions had been greatly reduced as a result of two world wars.


'An Inspector Calls' is set in 1912:There were strong distinctions between the upper and lower classes.

Card 3


'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:As a result of the wars, women had earned a more valued place in society.


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Card 4


'An Inspector Calls' was written in 1945:There was a great desire for social change. Immediately after The Second World War, Clement Attlee's Labour Party won a landslide victory over Winston Churchill and the Conservatives.


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Card 5


Yet by 1945, most of those class and gender divisions had been breached. Priestley wanted to make the most of these changes. Through this play, he encourages people to seize the opportunity the end of the war had given them to build a better, more ca


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