The methods by which data from the environment is collected & utilised
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Input Stage
Information comes from the display, receptor systems pick up information from the display
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External Receptors
Sight & Sound
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Internal Receptors
Touch, Balance & Kinaesthesis
4 of 16
The inner sense within the muscle receptors that gives information about that body position & muscular tension
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Decision Making Process
Performer makes decisions based on all information collected by the senses
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Three Stages of Decision Making
Selective Attention, Perception & The Translatory System
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Selective Attention (DM)
The player filters relevant information, this improves reaction time & concentration
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Perceptual Stage (DM)
Sensory information is coded & interpreted, made up of detection, comparison & recognition
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Detection Stage
Relevant information is picked up using senses & selective attention
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Comparison Stage
Important information is matched to previous experiences in the memory
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Recognition Stage
Performer uses information from memory to identify an appropriate response
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The Translatory Mechanism
Where the brain adapts & compares coded information to the memory, uses coded information from perceptual process to select an appropriate motor programme
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Output Stage
Effector mechanism leads to the completion of the action of skill by the muscular system, followed by feedback
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Effector Mechanism
The network of nerves that sends coded impulses to the muscles for action
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Whitings Model
Input data, receptor systems, perpetual mechanisms, translatory mechanisms, effector mechanisms, muscular system, output data & feedback data
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Information comes from the display, receptor systems pick up information from the display
Input Stage
Card 3
Sight & Sound
Card 4
Touch, Balance & Kinaesthesis
Card 5
The inner sense within the muscle receptors that gives information about that body position & muscular tension
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