Influence of childhood on romantic relationships 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyRelationshipsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Ciara RyanCreated on: 24-05-15 15:46 What is the internal working model? Expectations of romantic relationships which we learn from our first attachment 1 of 12 Which study found that when Czech twins were abused till 7 years old they were still able to form healthy romantic relationships later on in life? Koluchova 2 of 12 What is the continuity hypothesis? Belief that romantic relationships are continuations of childhood attachment 3 of 12 What did Kagan suggest? The temperament hypothesis in which the type of romantic relationships an individual has is based upon the temperament of the individual 4 of 12 Which study stated that our attachment type changes throughout our life depending on past and present relationships? KirkPatrick and Hazen 5 of 12 Describe the resurrection process of a breakdown of a relationship Individual grows and learns from this relationship to go onto future relationship 6 of 12 What did Alpert et al find? Those who were abused during childhood had a sense of isolation from others and damaged ability to trust others 7 of 12 Who said that a childhood didn't ultimately determine an individual's future romantic relationships? Simpson et al. 8 of 12 Which study stated that Attachment theories like Bowlby's were rooted in American Culture? Rothbaum et al. 9 of 12 What did Qualter and Munn suggest? How individuals approach adult relationships is based upon an internalised self value from peer interactions in childhood 10 of 12 Which study suggested that girls showed more imitate and caring relationships than boys? Richard and Schneider 11 of 12 What did Erwin find? Girls took part in more cooperative and sharing activities whereas boys took part in more competitive activities 12 of 12
PSYA3 AQA A relationships essay (mark out of 25?) comment on any improvements 4.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings
The influence of childhood and adolescent experiences on adult relationships 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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