India road to independence 1914-48
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- Created by: alanaoas
- Created on: 24-03-23 10:59
when was first indian mutiny
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when was the first meeting of the INC
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when was the all indian muslim league founded
3 of 42
how many indian soldiers fought in ww1
1.5 million
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how much didi india contribute to the war effort by 1918
£146 million
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how much had import costs risen for india in ww1
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when and what was the montague declaration
1917, GB comitted to giving india eventual self government
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when and what were the Rowlatt Acts
1919, suppressing any revolutionary ideas growing in India
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when and what was the amritsar massacre
1919, indian hartals attacked by orders from General Dyer, over 10 minutes firing and over 1000 estimated deaths
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when what was the first government of india act
1919, establishing dyarchy (divisions of power) and reserved seats for minorities
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When and what was the Lucknow Pact
1916, agreement with the INC and ML cooperating against the British
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who set up Home rule leagues and when
Annie Besant and Bal Tilak, in 1916
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When and what was the Hunter Comittee
1920, investigation by the british into the amritsar massacre. found that Dyer was wrong as there was no proof of indian rebellions at the hartals
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when didi Gandhi become leader of INC
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what was Gandhi's word for civil disobedience
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what was the aim of satyagraha
making the Raj ungovernable by using peaceful protests/strikes and not violence. Therefore holding moral high ground
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what was the timeframe of the first satyagraha
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why and where did the first satyagraha end
Gandhi called it off declaring indians 'not ready' after Chauri Chaura incident where 22 police officers were burnt to death by protesters
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what was the consequence for Gandhi
he was imprisoned
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who were the members of the 'young hooligans'
Nehru (jr) , Bose, Narayan
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when and what was the Nehru report
1928, Nehru (sr) recommending dominion status for Indians
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what and when was the Lahore Congress
1929, Gandhi and the INC support purna swaraj (full independence)
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when was the salt satyagraha (2nd satyagraha) and how many people participated
1930, over 50,000 participants across the march
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when and what was the khilafat movement
1919-1924, anti british response to the removal of the sultan of the ottoman empire
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when and what was the simon comission
1928, British investigation into the earlier government of india act, to see how self government commitment was going
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what and when was the irwin declaration
1929, reiteration of the montague declaration (commitment to indian eventual self government)
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when and what was the gandhi irwin pact
1931, gandhi was to be released from prison in return for suspending civil disobedience. He promised attendance at the 2nd round table conference
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What and when was the first round table conference (RTC)
1930- 58 indian representatives met in london with British officials, agreed dominion status would be granted
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what and when was 2nd RTC
1931 - similar to RTC1 , but Gnadhi present this time. The concept of separate electorates for minorities caused it to fail in any agreements
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What and when RTC3
1932- led by new Tory govt, separate electorates were still causing divisions and it failed
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what and when was the communal award and what did it trigger
1932, gave separate electorates to minorities like muslims. Triggered Gandhi's 'fast until death' in protest
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what and when was the Yeravda pact
1932, to stop Gandhi's fast, Hindus and the untouchables made a pact for how many separate electorate seats the Untouchables got.
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how did the 1935 government of india act divide india's control
divided into 11 provinces with each controlled by a governor. central power in the middle with Viceroy. Dyarchy abolished
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what were the results of the 1937 elections
Nehru (jr) won 707 seats , Jinnah with only 109
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how did INC react to Indian declaration into ww2. What did jinnah call this
congress ministries resigned on the 'day of deliverance'
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what did bose form in 1939
the forward bloc, considered a terrorist organisation against the British, Hitler sent them to Japan to assist
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what and when was the lahore resolution
1940, muslim conference where jinnah proposed a separate muslim state (first proposal of eventual pakistan)
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what and when was the august offer
1940, offering dominon status, and the expansion of indians into the viceroy council. INC rejected
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what and when was the atlantic charter
1941, between churchill and fdr, agreement that all peoples had a right to self government. churchill clarified after the charter that indians didnt count
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why was it important to have american support in ww2
they gave lend lease scheme of $11.3 billion to britain in major debts. this needed to support war effort for allies and rest of empire
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what and when was the cripps mission
1942, attempt to offer unity and support between all indians and british until the end of the war and allowed states to leave after (muslim state)
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when and what was the third satyagraha
1942, the quit india campaign. thousands were arrested and its aim: make india ungovernable
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
when was the first meeting of the INC
Card 3
when was the all indian muslim league founded

Card 4
how many indian soldiers fought in ww1

Card 5
how much didi india contribute to the war effort by 1918

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