Impact of First World War on America 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryAmerica - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: Grace LidgettCreated on: 12-04-13 11:00 Takes rose from 7% in 1913 to what in 1918? 77% 1 of 9 By April 1917, how much money had USA loaned to Britain and France? $2.3 billion 2 of 9 How many men were recruited during the war? 5 million 3 of 9 What Acts restricted individual freedom and expansion of federal powers? the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedation Act of 1918 4 of 9 When did Wilson declare to be a neutral country? August 1914 5 of 9 Unskilled workers saw a 20% rise of their real wages after the war? true 6 of 9 How much percentage did the USA's national debt increase by from 1916-19? 658% 7 of 9 In what year did women get the vote? 1920 8 of 9 What is the estimated figure that the US spent of the war? $31.2 billion 9 of 9
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