Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show rhythmic interest?
Bar 3, drums- Backbeat emphasis, Bar 3, vocals- Triplets, Bar 21, vocals- A semiquaver grouping ending with a scotch snap, Throughout the piece- Syncopation
1 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show harmonic interest?
Bar 3-14, all parts- This is the first appearance of the twelve bar blues, the harmonic back bone to the piece, Bar 2, piano- a non-diatonic chord of D flat, which occurs throughout the piece as a chromatic lead up to the dominant
2 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show tonal interest?
Bar 5, vocals- In this bar there is a flattened 3rd which occurs frequently as it is also a blues note, Bar 3, piano- This shows the tonic of the piece as G major, this is the key throughout the piece as there are no modulations.
3 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show melodic interest?
Bar 5, vocals- Shows the melody is based around the pentatonic scale in G, Bar 40, lead guitar- Pitch bends and slides (like at bar 28, vocals) are often used, Bar 25, lead guitar- The blues notes B flat and F natural which occur frequently.
4 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show textural interest?
Bar 3, all parts- The melody-dominated homophonic texture is shown here, Bar 10-11, vocals and lead guitar- This shows the relationship between these two parts (very typical of Rhythm & Blues), Bar 15-17, all parts- This is the 1st of 4 stop-charuses
5 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show instrumentational interest?
Bar 3, Drums- These play a shuffle backbeat emphasis throughout the pieces, Bar 2, piano- Just being given the chords shows that the piano is allowed to comp around them, Bar 3, rhythm guitar- The start of the guitars shuffle rhythm riff.
6 of 8
What is the strucure of Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You'?
Bar 1-2= Guitar introduction, Bar 3-14= Verse 1, Bar 15-26= Verse 2, Bar 27-38= Verse 3, Bar 39-50= Instrumental (Verse 4), Repeat of Bar 15-26= Verse 5, Rer
7 of 8
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show stylistic features?
Bar 43-50- Harmonica solo, Bar 9-10, lead guitar- Pitch bends, Bar 3-14, all parts- Twelve bar blues, Bar 15, all parts- Start of the stop chorus, Bar 5, vocals- Blues notes.
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show harmonic interest?
Bar 3-14, all parts- This is the first appearance of the twelve bar blues, the harmonic back bone to the piece, Bar 2, piano- a non-diatonic chord of D flat, which occurs throughout the piece as a chromatic lead up to the dominant
Card 3
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show tonal interest?
Card 4
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show melodic interest?
Card 5
Which bars in Howlin' Wolf's 'I'm Leavin' You' show textural interest?
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