ICT Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? ICTKeywordsGCSEOCR Created by: alina311Created on: 22-04-16 15:42 computer a machine that follows a set of instructions 1 of 9 program a set of pre-written or recorded instructions 2 of 9 hardware the physical components if the computer system that can be touched 3 of 9 software the set of instructions that the computer follows 4 of 9 input components for entering data 5 of 9 processor component that decides what instructions mean and what to do 6 of 9 output components to show the results of processing 7 of 9 (main and internal) memory components to store the data being used 8 of 9 (backing) storage components to store the data and/or instructions when the computer is switched off 9 of 9
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