ICT keywords 0.0 / 5 ? ICTkeywordsGCSEAll boards Created by: rosie007123Created on: 24-11-17 12:28 Broad Band Broadband is high-speed Internet access that is always on and is faster than the traditional dial-up access 1 of 8 Download When you have a copy of the data on your device 2 of 8 Bandwidth Amount of data that is carried at one point normally in bits per second. 3 of 8 Latency Latency is the delay from information input to outcome 4 of 8 ISP (internets service provider) A subscription with a company that provides you with access to the internet 5 of 8 Streaming Can be used when listening to music, watching videos and playing games. It is where you don’t download anything but do it in ‘real time’ 6 of 8 Cookie A text file that records the IP address and user id off what you’ve been on your device. 7 of 8 Spyware Program that contains additional function that is designed to secretly monitor your activities on your computer. 8 of 8
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