Third-generation wireless communication which allows high speed wireless data transfer.
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Acceptable use policy
Rules to which users agree, to reduce the misuse of ICT. Often found on social networking/collabrative sites.
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Application(Application Software)
Software that helps users perform particular tasks.
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A copy of data that is made in case the original data is lost or stolen. The backup can be used to restore original data.
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The amount of data that can fit through an internet connection.
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An automated method of recognising a person based on physical characteristics. Among the features measured are face,fingerprints, hand geometry, iris and voice.
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A shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies.
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The sending of unwanted messages to others over blurtooth connections.
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Allows the exchange of data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices.
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A disk that enables recording,rewriting and playback of high-definition video and the storing of large amounts of data.
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A high-speed connection to the Internet.
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Downloading a certain amount of data into temporary storage before starting to play a file.
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Card Code Verification (CCV)
A set of numbers on the back of a credit card that help verify that the use of the credit card is legitimate.
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Cloud Computing
A system in which all computer programs and data is stored on a cental server owned by a company and accessed virtually.
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Working together with other people.
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Related to a business
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The ability of a device to communicate and share information with another device.
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Computer Misuse Act
This law resricts people from accessing or modifying data without permission.
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When one device is developed to carry out functions that were originally performed by several different devices.
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Small text files that are sent to your computer form certain websites. They track your behaviour and transactions.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Rules to which users agree, to reduce the misuse of ICT. Often found on social networking/collabrative sites.
Acceptable use policy
Card 3
Software that helps users perform particular tasks.
Card 4
A copy of data that is made in case the original data is lost or stolen. The backup can be used to restore original data.
Card 5
The amount of data that can fit through an internet connection.
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