ICT Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? ICTNetworksGCSEWJEC Created by: jessbxCreated on: 28-04-16 17:27 Creating computer programs or computers that behave in a similar way to the human brain by learning from experience. artificial intelligence 1 of 10 An ICT system that mimics the decision-making ability of a human expert. expert system 2 of 10 An external network that can be used by the customers, suppliers and partners of an organisation as well as the organisation itself. extranet 3 of 10 The software that translates between two different kinds of computer networks like between a LAN and a WAN. gateway 4 of 10 A private network used with in an organisation that makes use of internet technology. intranet 5 of 10 A huge group of networks joined together. internet 6 of 10 A network of computers on one site. LAN 7 of 10 A network where the computers are far away from each other and telecommunications are used to communicate between them. WAN 8 of 10 Determine where each packed of data goes. switches 9 of 10 Connects two similar networks together like a LAN and a LAN. bridges 10 of 10
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