hurricane Katrina

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 10-05-23 23:19
when was hurricane Katrina?
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how strong was hurricane Katrina?
strongest winds ever recorded with winds of 175mph, category 5
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where did it hit?
Florida and Louisiana, particularly the city of new Orleans
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what were the impacts of Hurricane Katrina?
storm surges over 6m

city of new Orleans flooded as the levees protecting it were not high enough to cope

$105 billion for reconstruction
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what were more impacts?
evacuation order was given but many poorer people could not leave

1200 people drowned and 1m made homeless

oil pipelines damaged
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what were the responses?
us gov criticised for handling of disaster, it was slow and many poor people left behind

government provided $50 billion in aid

national guard mobilised to restore law and order
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Card 2


how strong was hurricane Katrina?


strongest winds ever recorded with winds of 175mph, category 5

Card 3


where did it hit?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what were the impacts of Hurricane Katrina?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what were more impacts?


Preview of the front of card 5
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