Human Geography reading
Year one human exam:
- Rural geography
- Agri food geography
- Development geography
- Cultural and historical geography
0.0 / 5
- Created by: Sophie
- Created on: 07-01-15 09:19
Who commented on the economic, environmental, social and countryside elements of changing issues in rural England?
1 of 47
Who commented on the population, occupation and profits of rural society in the changing period?
2 of 47
Who stated that there was a slow outmigration due to the balance between migration and natural increase?
3 of 47
Who stated that social relations were changing?
4 of 47
Who argued that the countryside is now an area of consumption due to counter urbanisation?
5 of 47
Who highlighted the social dynamism, rural flight and homogeneity of the countryside?
Hoggart (2007)
6 of 47
Who commented on the results from the NS-SEC?
Phillips (2007)
7 of 47
Who commented on CAP and SFP?
Maye (2009)
8 of 47
Who argues that there was an increase it the art of living?
9 of 47
Who stated that ESA and CSS had a 90% positive response rate?
Fish et al (2003)
10 of 47
Who argued there were three waves of agricultural industrialisation and who refers to intensification, concentration and specialisation?
Bowler (1992)
11 of 47
Who stated the key concepts of commodizisation, appropriationism and substitution and argued that implications of turning to state?
Bowler and Atkins (2001)
12 of 47
How created the hourglass model and downstreaming?
Morgan et al (2006)
13 of 47
Who said that small farms are obliged to cooperate with captialism in order to sell their goods? (trade wars and food crisis)
Woods (2005)
14 of 47
Who commented on Foodscape (macro structural organisation) and pseudo foods?
Winson (2004)
15 of 47
Who stated the farmers role has now decreased and commented on the biggest food producers in the world?
Tansley and Worsley (1995)
16 of 47
Who argued it was a case of quality over quantity after the food crisis from the 90's?
Ilbery and Bowler (1998)
17 of 47
Who argued about the productivism of world food trade wars?
Wilson (2001)
18 of 47
Who argued that vertical segregation followed after the PPT?
Evans et al (2002)
19 of 47
Who argued that the social theory reconstructed animals purpose in the world?
Gregory et al (2009)
20 of 47
Who argued about the importance of GM crops?
Morris and Holloway (2009)
21 of 47
Who stated the importance of sustainability and the key interactive elements of it?
Whitehead (2006)
22 of 47
Who commented on the unevitable and superogatory nature of helping socieities develop?
Singer (1972)
23 of 47
Who commented on what development activists think?
Corbridge (1993)
24 of 47
Who said that development makes people live a long, healthy and creative life? (2014)
25 of 47
Who argued that power imbalances impact access to a healthy life and that government intervention weakens a countries development?
United Nations
26 of 47
Who said that consumption will carry on until theres an ecological collapse?
Monbiot (2009)
27 of 47
Who commented on India, China and Africa's population structure and the causes of it?
Murthi (2002)
28 of 47
Who tied in the relationship between agricultural farming and population structure?
Boserup (1986)
29 of 47
Who commented on the life expectancy's of men and women and the reasons behind them?
Momsen (2003)
30 of 47
Who commented on the positive impacts polygammy has on agricultural farming?
Boserup (197)
31 of 47
Who stated the four features that come from women being educated in India?
Murthi et al (1996)
32 of 47
Who argued the key concept of sex ratios and 100mn missing women?
Sen (1990)
33 of 47
Who comments on the relationship between feminism and poverty?
Chant (2008)
34 of 47
Who said there was two reasons for the inequality of girls in India?
Narayana (2008)
35 of 47
Who said there was evidence of imperial/colonical territories in historical records?
Butlin (2009)
36 of 47
Who argued the importance of biopower following imperialism making citizens docile?
Legg (2007)
37 of 47
Who argued the importance of networks, circles and webs in New Imperialism?
Lester (2006)
38 of 47
Who commented on the Walter Crane Federation Map?
Bitcliffe (2005)
39 of 47
Who stated the epochs of Fabulous, Militant and Triumphant?
Driver (1992)
40 of 47
Who argued that postcolonialism shows an anti-essentialist concern?
Clayton (2003)
41 of 47
Who refferred the plague to being like a panoptican?
Foucalt (1977)
42 of 47
Who developed the concept of social body created by the governments regulation?
Hannah (2000)
43 of 47
Who stated that institutions should been seen through the micro physics and developed to idea of same and others?
Philo (2000)
44 of 47
Who stated that sexual dynamics underpinned the British expansion?
Hyam (1990)
45 of 47
Who commented on prostitutes and their role in the Veneral Disease and CDA's?
Legg (2009)
46 of 47
Who commented on the goals of the British Empire to regulate prostitution and manage the sexual lives of citizens?
Howell (2009)
47 of 47
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who commented on the population, occupation and profits of rural society in the changing period?
Card 3
Who stated that there was a slow outmigration due to the balance between migration and natural increase?

Card 4
Who stated that social relations were changing?

Card 5
Who argued that the countryside is now an area of consumption due to counter urbanisation?

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