Human resources - week 1
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- Created by: jmf00632
- Created on: 24-10-19 13:24
what is HRM?
The process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labour relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns” (Dessler, 2013)
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put in simple terms......
• General term referring to the management of people
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HRM as general personnel management..
all about reducing the cost, the focus is on the workforce that we currently have. The approach is reactive. Problems come up and they have to be dealt with. And because they have to be approached in a cheap way it can usually be done in a quick shor
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this connects to theory X which is......
– the reason that people work is purely because of money – this underpins personell – if we don’t reward them thy will not work. – basically all tha personell management care about is money
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HRM as distinct philosohy for people orientated organisation activites
- Maximise the utility of the people that we have in a developmental way - The approach is a lot more proactive so a long term perspective is taken
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theory y...
- Theory y – being motivated internally – by your own goals
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Relational psychological contract
i will do for you what you do for me
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what is HRM?
ADMIN, staffing, performance, reputation managment, change manaegemtn
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what is the link between HRM and an organisations performance?
• Correlational evidence suggests firms that adopt appropriate HR “best practices” are more likely to achieve their goals compared to those that don’t
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why is the performance better for organisations that use hr?
• Firms employing these practices are better able to recruit, motivate, and retain employees and Firms employing these practices are better able to develop and maintain a good corporate reputation among investors and customers
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• Firms employing these practices benefit from more efficient operations and the intensification of work • Better performing firms have resources to invest in these practices
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why does HRM matter (vertical integration) or external fit
this refers to the alligment between the organisations business strategy and HR strategy
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why does HRM matter? (horizantal integration) or internal fit
this refers to the alignment among HR policies and activities to ensure they are mutually reinforcing and consistently applied
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what is person-organisation fit?
this is about Matching employee and organisational values
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how is this a positive thing?
Greater employee satisfaction and tenure
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how can this be maximised?
Selection of people whose values match the firm’s and Socialisation of new recruits to fit the firm’s values
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what are the drawbacks of it
can reduce diversity among employees and compound existing problems (e.g., bias) • This can be a pobem because it means that we will not benefit from diversity- it will be boring
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what are HR'S best practices associated with?
• HR “best practices” are associated with better firm performance, especially when they are internally aligned (internal fit) and supportive of the organisation’s business strategy (external fit)
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what's important to consider when i your hr strategy?
• Important to consider both types of “fit” when designing your HR strategy
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main 4 objectives of hr are
admin objectives, performance objectives, staffing objectives and change managment objectives
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what is change managment objectives?
timely and effective employee involvement is crucial because “people support what they help to create”
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all of the HR objectives are important but there are times where one can be more important than the other. examples?
for example, if a business changes its office -admin may take a priority as well as staffing objectuves (may need to cut down or increase staff)
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5. globalisation- about the world becoming smaller due to modern transport and communications tech which allow affordable contact between people across the world
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What caused globalisation (3)
transport, tech, gov action
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impact of globalisation (3)
competition, industrial restructuring , volatality
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what are the major changes that have occured becuase of gloabalisaion? (4)
increase volality in product markets, increased competition, wholesale industrial restruction and the increase in multinational corp.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
put in simple terms......
• General term referring to the management of people
Card 3
HRM as general personnel management..

Card 4
this connects to theory X which is......

Card 5
HRM as distinct philosohy for people orientated organisation activites

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