human lifespan 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHuman Lifespan and DevelopmentBTEC NationalAll boards Created by: JAYZZCreated on: 21-11-22 11:51 A number of distinct phases people go throughout their lives Life stages 1 of 10 The length of time between a person's birth and death Lifespan 2 of 10 The number of years a person is expected to live for Life Expectancy 3 of 10 This is the increase in size or mass Growth 4 of 10 A transition of identity and self-confidence Mid-life crisis 5 of 10 Grief that many parents feel when their children move out of the house Empty Nest Syndrome 6 of 10 Six life stages Infancy, Early childhood, Adolescence, Early Adulthood, Middle adulthood, Late Adulthood 7 of 10 The ability to control the larger muscles in the body Gross Motor Skill 8 of 10 Seeing things from their own perspective Egocentric 9 of 10 The stage of infant development where the child plays alone Solitary play 10 of 10
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