How popular and efficient was the Nazi Regime?
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- Created by: Joanna_153
- Created on: 22-04-14 15:06
How many people joined the Nazi Party between January to March 1933?
1.6 million Germans
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Which students association were responsible for the book burning on the 10th of May?
The book burning on the 10th May was committed by the rival German Students’ Association (DS) rather than the Nazi German Student Federation (NSDStB)
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How many Gestapo officers were there in Hanover in 1935?
42 officers
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In Saarbrucken where did most of the arrests come from?
87.5% of “slander against the regime” from denunciations, whilst 8% were from the Gestapo
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What was the ratio of officials to population in the town of Würzburg?
28 officials for a million people
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How many people were unemployed in 1933, and what percentage was this of the total population?
6 million people, and 26%
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What was unemployment like by 1936?
1.5 million
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How much did GNP grow by during these years?
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Give an example of Nazi propaganda?
Triumph of Will, based on 1934 Nuremberg Rally, came out in 1935
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How many Germans could the Nazi regime broadcast to by 1939?
16 million Germans
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What was the outcome of the plebiscites the Nazis held?
1933 - pulling out of League of Nations - 95% agreed 1934 - Hitler combines Hindenburg's post with his own - 90% support, 1936 - remilitarisation of the Rhineland - 99% 1938 - Anschluss - 99%
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When did Germany start major conscription?
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When did major German rearmament start?
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By 1936, how much had industrial production increased?
Industrial production increased by 60% since 1933
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When did Germany hold the Olympics?
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How many people, by 1938, had enjoyed a holiday funded by "Strength through Joy"?
10 million German workers had a state-financed holiday by Kraft durch Freude, about 1/3rd of the workforce
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How much of the German population were working class?
Almost half
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When did real wages raise above 1928 levels?
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How much did working hours increase from 1933-1939?
In 1933 the average working week was 43 hours, whereas the 1939 working week was 47
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List two interventions of the German government with the peasantry?
Firstly the Reich Entitled Farm Law of 1933 stopped farms being divided as part of inheritance, and the bureaucratic Reich Food Estate (1933) which tried to coordinate farming but meddled, declared that hens should lay at least 65 eggs annually
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Despite the Nazis attempt to assimilate themselves with the peasantry, how many people drifted towards the towns?
3% of the population from 1928-1938
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How much did farming production increase?
Production increased by 20% from 1933-1936
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When was the concordat?
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When did Catholics successfully oppose the regime?
In 1936 an order banning crucifixes in churches was withdrawn after significant protest.
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Provide a statistic for the Nazi's giving aid.
In the Gau of upper-bavaria, Nazi organisations distributed 25,800 litres of milk in one month in 1934
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When was the Anschluss?
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When did Germany reintroduce soldiers in the Rhineland?
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Did workers wholeheartedly support the regime?
Not necessarily, absenteeism doubled from 1936-1939 and there were strikes at Russlsheim and Berlin in 1936
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How many communists were arrested in the Reichstag Fire of 1933?
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How successful was communist resistence?
In 1934 the authorities seized 1.25 million communist leaflets, The Rote Fahne (Red Flag) was distributed until 1935, and the Gestapo estimated that there were 5,000 active communists in Berlin in 1935.
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When was the Blomberg-Fritsch affair?
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Did all of the conservatives support the regime?
Not necessarily, the mayor of Leizpig resigned in 1937 about the removal of a statue of Felix Mendelesson.
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Did the Nazis hold significant influence in education?
Arguably, by 1937 97% of teachers joined the National Socialist Teachers’ League (Nationalsozialistiche Lehrerbund) and 2/3rd of teachers had been trained for a month on Nazi ideology
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How extensive was the influence of the Hitler Youth in 1938?
In 1938 around 77.2% of the population as members of the Hitler Youth
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How much support did Niemöller confessional church have?
7,000 of 17,000 pastors participated.
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How many children did you need to earn the golden cross of the German mother?
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When was the Lebensraum programme started?
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How did the number of people in the concentration camps change from 1935-1936?
It doubled
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How did the number of people in concentration camps change from 1933-1934?
It fell by almost a third
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How did the party membership change from 1933-1935?
It increased by almost 300%
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Were the Nuremberg Laws written in an efficient manner?
No, they were a response to 1935 SA attacks on Jews which led to the laws being written overnight and announced in his speech, which Hitler then attempted to slow down before the Olympics.
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What time did Hitler go to bed, and wake up, when he was on holiday?
2 am, and 2pm
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How many jobs/posts did Goering hold in the Nazi organisation?
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How was the T4 programme introduced?
Bouhler showed Hitler a letter requesting Euthanasia authorised Bouhler to organise this but it was not authorised in a law. The programme was stopped briefly in 1941 after Galen's organised protests.
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Why did Goebbels increase anti-Semitism in Berlin?
In response to Hitler's disgust at his affair with a Czech actress
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Give an example of fighting between departments?
Röhm and Himmler and Schat's battles with Goerring about the Five Year Plans
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How did cabinet meetings change from 1936-1937?
They increased from 4 to 7
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What led to the 1933 boycotts of Jewish shops?
Agitation by the SA (partly after Potsdam Day) wanting a "second revolution" as they were more left wing.
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When did Schacht resign?
November 1937
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which students association were responsible for the book burning on the 10th of May?
The book burning on the 10th May was committed by the rival German Students’ Association (DS) rather than the Nazi German Student Federation (NSDStB)
Card 3
How many Gestapo officers were there in Hanover in 1935?
Card 4
In Saarbrucken where did most of the arrests come from?
Card 5
What was the ratio of officials to population in the town of Würzburg?
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