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How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority?
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- Created by: katiegdmn1214
- Created on: 04-04-15 15:39
What did Hitler want to replace democracy with?
A totalitarian state
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What was Gleischaltung?
Hitler's policy of co-ordination
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What was Volksgemeinshaft?
A 'People's Community' socially and racially united
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Who were the 'November Criminals'?
Socialist and Democratic leaders who signed the the 1918 Armistice agreeing to make Germany a republic
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What was the 'Fuhrerprinzip'?
A leader principle of a one-party state led by one leader
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Why did Hitler want to expand eastwards?
To take Lebensraum in order to obtain the raw materials for continental supremacy
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What was the reason for an increase in Nazi support in 1932?
The Great Depression and the decline of the German economy
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Why did Hitler refuse a place in the cabinet?
He was leader of the largest party but he didn't have a majority
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Why did Hindenburg and Von Papen agree to make Hitler Chancellor?
They believed they could tame him as he only had two other Nazis in the cabinet
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When did Hitler become Chancellor?
30th January 1933
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When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
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Who did the Nazis claim started the fire?
Dutch Communist Van Der Lubbe
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What happened as a result of the Reichstag Fire?
4,000 Communists were arrested, and Hindenburg was persuaded into passing Article 48 the next day which suspended freedoms and gave the Nazis the legal basis to persecute, terrorise and repress all opposition
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When was the Day of Potsdam?
21st March 1933
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What happened on the Day of Potsdam?
Hitler called a meeting in which he presented himself as composed and respectful which gained him the support of old Conservative Alliances
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What was the Enabling Act?
It allowed Hitler to rule without the Reichstag, effectively creating a legal dictatorship
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When was the Enabling Act passed?
23rd March 1933
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How many members of the Reichstag voted in favour of the Enabling Act?
444, with only 94 opposing it
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When were all other political parties officially banned?
14th July 1933
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When did the legal government resign?
March 1934
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Who replaced the legal government?
Senior Nazi officials
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When did state governments come under Reichstag control?
January 1934
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When did the ** and SA storm Trade Union offices and arrest officials to be sent to concentration camps?
2nd May 1934
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What were Trade Unions replaced with?
The DAF (German Labour Front)
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When was the SPD banned?
21st May 1934
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When was the Catholic Centre Party dissolved?
July 1934
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Why was the CP dissolved?
Catholics thought that Catholicism would survive if they agreed to dissolve the CP
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When did the famous book burnings take place?
10th May 1933
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What is a Dual State?
A state in which there appears to be two forms of government at work at the same time
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Why did a Dual State develop?
Hitler was unsure about whether party or state held primacy because of the need to reassure the Conservative elites that he was not a revolutionary, the efficiency of the German state and the need to link the Nazi Party with the German past
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What were the two parts of the Dual State?
The Nazi Party and civil services, ministries, etc
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Why was Hitler's role in Government limited?
There was no all-embracing constitution in the Third Reich; No individual could control all areas of government; Hitler relied on subordinates to put his wishes into practice; The Hitler Myth
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When did Nazi control over the state increase?
Winter 1938
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Why did Army independence weaken?
Hitler sacked many important officials
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When did Hitler invade Austria?
March 1938
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When was the Sudetenland invaded?
October 1938
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When did the military take over Bohemia?
October 1939
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What were the four features of the Police State?
The **, the Gestapo, the Courts and Concentration Camps
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When were 'People's Courts' set up?
July 1934
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Who were tried at 'People's Courts'?
Enemies of the state
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How did Nazis take control of the Courts?
Judges were to issue harsher sentences; New laws for political offences; From 1939 judges had to study Nazi beliefs; Nazis replaced senior officials
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Which ** group leader was appointed Minister of Justice in 1942?
Otto Thierack
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When was the ** set up?
43 of 55
When did Himmler become leader of the **?
44 of 55
Who joined the ** in 1931 as the Secret Intelligence Wing?
The SD
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What was the RSHA made up of?
The **, SD, Waffen **, Kripo and Gestapo
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Who ran the Concentration Camps?
The **
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For every 50 houses/flats, how many Block Wardens were there?
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How many members of the Gestapo were there?
Between 20,000-40,000
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When were Concentration Camps first opened?
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Who were Concentration Camps initially intended for?
Political opposition
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Why were many Concentration Camps closed in 1934?
Many Nationalist allies were upset by them, and Hitler wanted their support
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From February 1936 who were sent to Concentration Camps?
Asocials, criminals and homosexuals
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From December 1937 who were also sent to Concentration Camps?
Those who didn't fit the 'People's Community'
54 of 55
In January 1945 how many people were being held in Concentration Camps?
55 of 55
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Gleischaltung?
Hitler's policy of co-ordination
Card 3
What was Volksgemeinshaft?

Card 4
Who were the 'November Criminals'?

Card 5
What was the 'Fuhrerprinzip'?

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