How did the first world war weaken the Tsar?

  • Created by: katewells
  • Created on: 29-05-16 15:28
Who did the Tsar appoint as his close advisor?
Peter Stolypin
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Who was Stolypin and what did he believe in?
He was a traditionalist who believed Russia had to modernise agriculture to create a new class of peasants
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Who did Stolypin think the power of Russia should rest in the hands of?
The Tsar
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What was the key factor to the 1905 revolts?
Demand for representation
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What did the Tsar issue immediately after the Duma was issued?
The fundamental laws
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What effect did the Fundamental Laws have on the Dumas before 1914?
They had achieved very little
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Who did the Tsar dismiss and why?
The elected minister as he did not want to agree with their demands
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What was the Duma largely made up of in the end?
Pro-Tsarist members who did not want change
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When did the Fundamental Laws start to impact and limit the Manifesto?
June 1906
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What reforms did the 3rd and 4th Manifestos bring?
Doubling number of primary schools and increasing expenditure on health
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What did the revolution show the Russian people?
They were capable of undermining the regime through violence and demonstrations
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What did the Tsar try to offer to the majority?
Concessions but the minority were dissatisfied
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What was Stolypin's necktie?
When the state responded to revlutionaires by putting 20,000 into exile and hanging 3000
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The role of which secret police was increased?
The Okhrana
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What was the roleof the Okhrana?
To imprison suspects and monitor opponents of the regime
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Why did Stolypin target the peasants in reform?
So he could supply modernised Russia with food
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Why did peasants not produce enough food?
They relied on traditional farming methods and depended on the local mir for support
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When did Stolypin pass a new law in order to attempt to modernise peasantry?
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How were peasants able to buy more land?
Land was made available to them through the peasants land bank
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What did the Peasants land bank encourage?
Private farming
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What did Stolypin want to create as a result of his land bank?
A new class of strong peasants
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What did Stolypin encourage peasants to do?
Leave the mir and private farm
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How many peasants had left their communes and set up their own by 1913?
3 million
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who was Stolypin and what did he believe in?


He was a traditionalist who believed Russia had to modernise agriculture to create a new class of peasants

Card 3


Who did Stolypin think the power of Russia should rest in the hands of?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was the key factor to the 1905 revolts?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Tsar issue immediately after the Duma was issued?


Preview of the front of card 5
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