Hotter Than That 0.0 / 5 ? MusicMusic OCRASOCR Created by: carys CrookesCreated on: 25-04-14 13:07 Written by? Louis Armstrong 1 of 20 When was it written? 1927 2 of 20 Key? Eb Major 3 of 20 Trumpet Player? Louis Armstrong 4 of 20 Trombone? Edward 'Kid' Ory 5 of 20 Clarinet? Johnny Dodds 6 of 20 Banjo? Jonny St Cryr 7 of 20 Guitar Lonnie Johnson 8 of 20 Piano Lil' Hardin 9 of 20 Texture New Orleans Polyphony 10 of 20 Structure? Intro-Chorus1-Chorus2-Chorus3-Duet-Link-Chorus4-Coda 11 of 20 Intro? New Orleans Polyphony with trumpet and clarinet prominent. 12 of 20 Chorus 1? Trumpet solo with rips etc. andvirtuosic melody. Rhythm section accompaniment only 13 of 20 Chorus 2? Johnny Dodds clarinet solo with terminal vib. and high clarino 14 of 20 Chorus 3? **** solo with 24 syncopated dotted crotchets and poly rhythms against the guitar 15 of 20 Duet? Call and responce between guitar and **** in 2 bar phrases 16 of 20 Link? Lil' plays V-I-V-I for four bars 17 of 20 Chorus 4? Kid Ory trombone solo, then trumpet and new orleans polyphony 18 of 20 Coda call and responce with guitar and ****, then ends on diminished 7th chord 19 of 20 Chord sequence? Eb x6 - Bb7 x8 - Eb break x2 - Eb x6 - Ab x3 - Ao - Eb - C7 - F7 - Bb7 - Eb break x2 20 of 20
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