What sort of treatment do service users get in hospitals?
They get treatment from specialised staff and equipment.
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How do service users get reffered into hospital?
They get reffered into hospital through their local GP.
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What is the emergency department called in a hospital?
Accident and Emergency (A&E).
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What rights do service users have when it comes to getting specialist care in hospitals?
Service users have the right to choose which hospital they attend, which team of specialist doctors they see - they cannot choose a particular individual - and they have the right to be involved in decisions about their treatment.
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What do daycare unit staff provide for their service users?
Staff in daycare units may provide patients with an assessment of their health needs.
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What kind of services do daycare units deliver?
They provide services such as: surgery and other medical procedures; and services that meet the needs of older people, people with mental ill health or people with learning disabilities.
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Which sector does a daycare unit fit into?
Daycare units can be part of the NHS but some are privately run or are provided by charities.
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What is secondary care?
This sector of care is usually provided to referred patients by medical specialists; this care is centralised and usually takes place in hospitals.
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Give some examples of specailists who provide secondary care.
Examples of secondary sector specialists are: cardiologists, urologists, ortho[eadic surgeons, radiologists, (ENT) - ears, nose and throat specialists, and many more.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How do service users get reffered into hospital?
They get reffered into hospital through their local GP.
Card 3
What is the emergency department called in a hospital?
Card 4
What rights do service users have when it comes to getting specialist care in hospitals?
Card 5
What do daycare unit staff provide for their service users?
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