Homer's 'Odyssey' Quotations
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- Created by: katiegdmn1214
- Created on: 08-05-15 08:44
"a man of many...
...twists and turns"
1 of 106
"daring feats of...
...dauntless Odysseus"
2 of 106
"supurb runner and an...
...excellent fighter"
3 of 106
"I myself will go to Ithaca to...
...instill more courage into Odysseus' son"
4 of 106
"what a lamentable thing it is that men should blame the gods and regard us as the source of their troubles...
...when it their own transgressions which bring them suffering"
5 of 106
"it is for Odysseus that my heart is wrung...
...the wise and unlucky Odysseus"
6 of 106
"they're eating me out of house and home...
...and very soon they will destroy me too"
7 of 106
"how disgraceful...you need him to...
...lay his hands on this dissolute mob"
8 of 106
"Telemachus, busy with...
...his own thoughts"
9 of 106
"as he spoke his passion rose; and at the end...
...he burst into tears and flung his staff on the ground"
10 of 106
"we Suitors plead 'Not guilty'. It is your...
...own mother, the incomparable schemer"
11 of 106
"Zeus the thunderer urged two eagles into flight from the mountain top...
...glancing down at the faces of the crowd with looks foreboding death"
12 of 106
"sewing seeds of a bloody doom...
...for the Suitors one and all"
13 of 106
"the old woman swore by all the gods...
...that she would keep his secret"
14 of 106
"how am I to go up to him...
...how shall I greet him?"
15 of 106
"as soon as they caught sight of the strangers they...
...took them by the hand and invited them to join them"
16 of 106
"Telemachus, inspired...
...by Athene"
17 of 106
"if ever a man was born to suffer...
...it was he"
18 of 106
"I cannot help looking at you in awe. You talk exactly as he did...
...and I could have sworn no man could resemble him so in speech"
19 of 106
"Odysseus, that wise...
...and subtle king"
20 of 106
"there is no chance that you will ever be a coward or weakling when...
...you already haave your guardian Gods at your side"
21 of 106
"at Troy it was Odysseus who strove the hardest...
...and achieved the most"
22 of 106
"after you've dinned we shall...
...enquire who you are"
23 of 106
"Odysseus' feet were just the same...
...and so were his hands"
24 of 106
"a man of...
...such endurance"
25 of 106
"How disgraceful! So the cowards want to...
...creep into the brave man's bed?"
26 of 106
"the Suitors are planning a far greater and shocking crime...
...they are all set now on assassinating Telemachus"
27 of 106
"doubts and fears chased through her mind as they do through a lion's...
...when he finds himself surrounded by the beaters"
28 of 106
"my noble lion...
...hearted husband"
29 of 106
"a child like him...
...untrained for action or debate"
30 of 106
"look at Odysseus...
...that admirable king"
31 of 106
"He is left to languish in misery in the island home...
...of the nymph Calypso who keeps him captive there"
32 of 106
"The long enduring Odysseus...
...must now set out for home"
33 of 106
"the divine Calypso seated Hermes...
...on a brightly polished chair"
34 of 106
"Zeus bids you to...
...send him off without delay"
35 of 106
"I am ready with all...
...my heart to help you leave"
36 of 106
"I know too well that my wise Penelope's looks and stature are...
...insignificant compared with yours"
37 of 106
"I long to reach my home and...
...see the day of my return"
38 of 106
"I mean him to have a bellyful...
...of trouble yet"
39 of 106
"With that he marshalled the clouds and...
...srirred up the sea"
40 of 106
"Now do exactly as I say...
...like the sensible man you seem to be"
41 of 106
"At this point Athene...
...decided to intervene"
42 of 106
"the noble...
...long-suffering Odysseus"
43 of 106
"Hostile and uncivillised savages...
...or kindly and god-fearing people?"
44 of 106
"his address was both courteous...
...and full of subtlety"
45 of 106
"your manners show that you are...
...not a bad man or a fool"
46 of 106
"an unfortunate supplient has the...
...right to expect from those he meets"
47 of 106
"the great...
...hearted Alcinous"
48 of 106
"Odysseus' heart was melting with grief...
...and his cheeks were wet with tears"
49 of 106
"Did you meet hostile tribes with no sense of right and wrong...
...or did you fall in with hospitable and god-fearing people?"
50 of 106
"Odysseus, the man...
...of many resources"
51 of 106
"the whole world talks of my strategems...
...and my fame has reached the heavens"
52 of 106
"a man's fatherland and his parents are...
...what he holds sweetest"
53 of 106
"agressive savages with no sense of right or wrong...
...or hospitable and god-fearing people"
54 of 106
"I was not to be persuaded...
...I wished to see the owner of the cave"
55 of 106
"We Cyclopes care nothing for Zeus...
...nor for the rest of his blessed gods"
56 of 106
"he could not outwit someone with...
...my knowledge of the world"
57 of 106
"I laughed to myself at the way in which my...
...cunning notion of a false name had taken them in"
58 of 106
"tell him you eye was put out by Odysseus, sacker of cities...
...son of Laertes who lives in Ithaca"
59 of 106
"I debated within myself whether to jump overboard and drown...
...or stay among the living and quietly endure"
60 of 106
"What a...
...captain we have"
61 of 106
"it is not right for me to entertain and equip a man...
...who is destested by the blessed Gods"
62 of 106
"into this dish she introduced a noxious drug to...
... make the the lose all memory of their native land"
63 of 106
"What possesses you to stay on here?...
...It is time you thought of Ithaca"
64 of 106
"my eyes filled with tears when I saw her there...yet...
...I would not allow her to approach the blood first"
65 of 106
"it is true that you will take revenge on these men...
...for their misdeeds when you reach home"
66 of 106
"her eyes are never free from tears as...
...the slow nights and days pass sorrowfully by"
67 of 106
"Pallas Athene had thrown...
...a mist over the place"
68 of 106
"Are they some brutal tribe of uncivilized savages...
...or a kindly and god-fearing people?"
69 of 106
"Anyone who met you, even a God, would have to be a...
...consummate trickster to pass you in subterfuge"
70 of 106
"I will indeed...
...stand at your side"
71 of 106
"I am going to change...
...you beyond recognition"
72 of 106
"It is not right for me to turn...
...away a stranger"
73 of 106
"strangers and beggars all...
...come in Zeus' name"
74 of 106
"I still call him...
...my beloved master"
75 of 106
"I had thought he would become as good a man...
...in the world as his father"
76 of 106
"So you are back Telemachus...
...light of my eyes!"
77 of 106
"It is difficult for a man to do anything single-handed...
...against a crowd, however strong he may be"
78 of 106
"It is easy for the Gods in heaven to...
...glorify or debase a man"
79 of 106
"but Telemachus could not accept that...
...it was his father"
80 of 106
"Antinous, you're an arrogant...
...and evil schemer"
81 of 106
"Argus the hound...
...directly... became aware of Odysseus' pressence"
82 of 106
"Antinous, you may be nobley born...
...but there's nothing noble about your speech"
83 of 106
"and picking up a stool...
...he threw it and struck Odysseus"
84 of 106
"Antinous, you did wrong to strike the wretched vagrant...
...You're a dommed man"
85 of 106
"I hate the whole gang for the wicked plots they hatch...
...but Antinous especially is like a black spirit of destruction"
86 of 106
"Antinous burst out with...
...a tirade of abuse"
87 of 106
"Yet what I see here are Suitors plotting these outrages...
...wasting a man's property, and treating his wife with disrespect"
88 of 106
"Amphinomus went back through the hall ith a heavy heart...
...shaking his head for he was filled with a foreboding of disaster"
89 of 106
"Melantho now renewed...
...her abuse of Odysseus"
90 of 106
"Odysseus' descriptions made Penelope even more disposed to weep...
...recognising...the infallible signs that he had disclosed"
91 of 106
"He should approach his own native land...
...openly or in disguise"
92 of 106
"So he is safe and will soon be back...
...indeed he is very close"
93 of 106
"no-one that I have seen...
...has reminded me so strongly of Odysseus"
94 of 106
"Listen to this dream of mine...
...and interpret it"
95 of 106
"you have heard from Odysseus himself that...
...he will make it come true"
96 of 106
"she wept...
...for Odysseus"
97 of 106
"it dawned upon the fools that...
...the fate of all of them was sealed"
98 of 106
"you fleeced my household; you ***** my maids...
...you courted my wife behind my back"
99 of 106
...prime mover in these misdeeds"
100 of 106
"like a lion when he comes from feeding...
...on some father's bullock"
101 of 106
"These men fell victim to...
...the will of the Gods"
102 of 106
"They pain respect to no one...
...one earth who came near them"
103 of 106
"her knees began to tremble and her heart melted...
...as she realised that he had given her infallible proof"
104 of 106
"This was her way of...
...putting her husband to the test"
105 of 106
"upon reflection he thought it better to...
...start by testing him"
106 of 106
Other cards in this set
Card 2
...dauntless Odysseus"
"daring feats of...
Card 3
...excellent fighter"

Card 4
...instill more courage into Odysseus' son"

Card 5
...when it their own transgressions which bring them suffering"

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