Home economics 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionGCSECCEA Created by: Anneliese HorscroftCreated on: 26-04-13 09:46 Who created the eat well plate? Food standards agency 1 of 11 What is the second smallest piece of the eat well plate? Meat fish eggs beans and other non dairy sources of protein 2 of 11 What type of carbohydrates are sugars? Simple carbohydrates 3 of 11 How do the 2 carbohydrates differ? How quickly they're absorbed and if it effects blood sugar levels 4 of 11 What percentage of your dietary needs should come from carbohydrates? 50% 5 of 11 What effect does carbohydrates have with protein? Protein sparing effect 6 of 11 What does NSP stand for Non-starch polysaccharide 7 of 11 Functions of insoluble NSP? Assists digestion, prevents constipation, filling and can decrease snacking 8 of 11 Give examples of unsaturated fats? Olive oil or sunflower oil 9 of 11 What 2 fatty acids can the body not make? Omega 3 and 6 10 of 11 Give an example of an EFA Oily fish 11 of 11
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