Holders of information
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- Created by: Henners1299
- Created on: 08-05-17 13:36
Name the different categories of holders?
Indivdual citizens, Business organisations, government, health care services, Charities and commununity organisations.
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What are the different types of locations data can be held?
Developing and developed countries, urban and rural.
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What is the digital divide?
The difference in access to digital resources in different areas of the world.
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What are the different types of storage media?
Paper, optical media, magnetic media, solid state media.
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What is optical media?
Music and film storage. Data is writen and read by a laser.
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What is solid state media?
Stores sata and information in a circuitry.
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What are the different characeristics of storage media?
Mutability, Robustness, Access to data, Cost, Storage capacity.
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What are the different types information access and storage devices?
Handheld devices, portable devices, fixed devices, shared devices.
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What are the additional characteristics of informmation access and storage devices?
Processing power, versatility and storage capacity.
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What are the different types of internet connections?
Copper cable, Optical fibre
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What are characteristics of internet connection types?
Speed of data transfer, range and data differences.
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What are the different types of internet access?
Dial-up, broadband, fixed broadband, fixed wireless, satellite, wireless hotspots, mobile phones.
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What are types of www technologies?
Internet, Intranet, Extranet.
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What is the intenet?
Worldwide network of interconnected networks.
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What is the intranet?
A network that is connected to the internet but only available to those within an organisation.
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What is the extranet?
A website that provides restricted access to resources for an authorised set of users from outside the organisation.
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What are the characteristics of the internet?
Public and open access.
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What are the characteristics of the intranet?
Private and closed access
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What are the characteristics?
Private and shared access.
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What are the different types of information formats?
Web pages, Blogs, Podcasts, Streamed audio and video, social media channels, documents RSS feeds.
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What are the different of information styles?
Text, Graphic, video, animated graphic, audio, numerical, braille, tactile images, subtitles, boolean ( yes or no), tables aand spreadsheets, charts and graphs.
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Information classification
Sensitive, non senesitive, private, public, personal, business, confidential, classified , Partially and completely anonymised.
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What are the quality of information characteristics?
Valid information, biased information and comparable information.
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What is the importance of good quality information to stakeholders?
Help make informed strategic decisions?
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Consequences of poor quality information on stakeholders?
Can lead to bad decisions.
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What is the information management process?
Collect - store- retrieve- manipulation- processinng- analysis.
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What is information?
Information is context.
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What is data?
Data is information that has been coded and structured in some way, ready for processing storage or transmission.
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What are the categories of information used by individuals?
Communication, education and training, entertainment, planning, financial, research, location dependent, benefits and limitations.
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What are the cateogories of information used by organisations?
Knowledge management and creation, management information systems, marketing promotion and sales, financial analysis and modelling, contact management, decision making, internal and external communication, Big data
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What are the stages of data analysis?
1. Identify the need, 2. define scope, 3. identify potential sources, 4. sources and select information, 5. select the most appropriate tools, 6. process and analyse data, 7. record and store information, 8. share results.
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What are the different types of data analysis tools?
Data tables, visulisation of data, trend and pattern identification, data cleaning and geographic information system/ location mapping.
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What are open and closed system characteristics, benefits and limitations?
An open system can interact with other systems to exchange information even if they have different platforms. A closed system cannot. A disadvantage of an open system is that it is not as secure as a closed system.
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What are the different UK legislation and regulatory framework governing the storage and use of global information?
Data protection act, protection of freedoms act, privacy and electronic communications regulations, freedom of information act, computer misuese act, information commissioners office, copyright designs and patents act, equality act.
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How is data protected outisde the UK?
Data sent from outside the UK must be sent to a countrie covered by the UK data protection act. In the USA they have the safe harbour scheme which if followed provides protection for UK data organisations have to sign up to this to transfered.
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What is the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities?
Information systems must be able to be accessed by disabled people.
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What is Green IT?
An attempt to make computing more eco friendly.
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What are the different types of information sources and data types?
Internal source, external source, primary data, secondary data, qualitative data and quantitative data
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Whats the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data.
Quantitative data is data that has been gathered by measurement while qualitative is data that describes.
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What is a data flow diagram
Data flow diagrams model how data flows through a system.
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What is a Level 0 DFD?
Show data system in little detail but allow the user to get an understanding how data flows through a system.
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What is a level 1 DFD?
Focus on one system and are therefore in more detail than a level 0 DFD.
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What are the components that make up a DFD?
External entities, Processes, Data stores, Data flows, standard symobls used.
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What are external entities?
Sources of the data that is inputed into the system and those whom data that is output is sent to,.
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What is processes?
The ways in which data in a system is collected.
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What are data stores?
Any real world store of data held in the system can be computerised database but could also be an inbox on someones desk.
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What is data flow?
The flows of data between the entities and the processes.
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What symbols are used?
Rectangle (EXTERNAL ENTITY), Smooth corner rectangle (PROCESS), Arrow (DATA FLOW), Box with line near the end (DATA STORE)
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Rule 1
At least one input and output for each external entity.
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Rule 2
Data flows in only one direction
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Rule 3
Every data flow is labelled
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Rule 4
Every data flow connects to at least one process
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Rules 5
At least one input data flow and/or at least one output data flow for each process.
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Impacts affecting the flow of information in information systems.
Human error, delays and breakdown in working relationships.
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What are the three principles of information security?
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
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What is confidentiality?
Information can only be accessed by those authorised to do so.
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What is integrity?
Information is maintained so it is kept up to date, complete and fit for purpose.
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What is availability?
Information is always available to and usable for those that need to use it.
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What are risks for information security?
Unauthorised or unintended access to data, Accidental loss of data,Intentional destruction of data and intentional tampering with data.
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Impacts if these risks were to occur.
Loss of intellectual property, loss of service and access, failure inj security of confidential information, loss of information owned by a third party, loss of reputation, threat to national security.
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What are protection measures?
Having policies that allow data to be protected e.g. staff access limits only certain staff can access sensitive information
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What are forms of physical protection?
Locks, keypads, biometrics, placing computers above flood level,backup systems in other locations,security staff and shedding old paper based records.
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Logical protection methods?
final level of protection, e.g. tires levels of access to data ( e.g. only authorised staff), Firewalls, anti-malware apps, obfuscation, Encryption of data at rest and in transit and password protection.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the different types of locations data can be held?
Developing and developed countries, urban and rural.
Card 3
What is the digital divide?
Card 4
What are the different types of storage media?
Card 5
What is optical media?
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