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- Created by: mollyscotton222222
- Created on: 05-01-18 10:13
Name a negative behaviour caused by peer pressure.
smoking, drug abuse, truancy, bullying, stealing.
1 of 42
Name a posative behaviour caused by peer pressure.
Taking part in sport, studying, befreinding, respecting others, learning a new skill, healthy eating.
2 of 42
What does a healthy relationship result in?
trust, acceptance, respect, honesty, high self-concept.
3 of 42
What does a unhealthy realtionship result in?
stress, isolation, blame, low self-concept, insecurity.
4 of 42
Name what independance can be influenced by?
health, culture, physical disbility, stage of development, peers, family.
5 of 42
Degeneration of nervous tissue can cause what issues?
decline in short term memory, effects on senses, decline in verbal capability, increase in time taken to react.
6 of 42
Degeneration of sense organs can cause what issues?
Low self-image, depression, difficulty in taking part in activitys, anxiety and isolation
7 of 42
Possible effects of housing conditions are?
overcrowding, no heating, lack of outdoor space, poor sanitation, poor ventilation/damp.
8 of 42
What is Foetal Alcohol Syndrome?
condition cause by mother drinking alcohol whilst pregant.
9 of 42
What does Foetal Alcohol Syndrome cause? PIES
Small head cicrumfrence, cognative difficulties, abnormal growth, facial abnormalities.
10 of 42
Having a poor lifestlye while pregant can cause the un-born baby to have what issues?
low birth weight, premature birth, long-term health issues, learning disabilites, development delay, cogantive defects.
11 of 42
What are Piaget's stages?
sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations & formal operations
12 of 42
What is being egocentric?
Only being able to see things from their own perspective (point of view)
13 of 42
What did critics say about Piaget?
childrens development was underrestimated and with more support can move onto differnet stages at quicker paces.
14 of 42
What is the sensory motor stage? & what ages?
(0-2) Infancts learn about thier enviroment and develop schemas by using all senses to explore.
15 of 42
What is the pre-operational stage? & what ages?
(2-7) Children begin to control thier enviroment by using symbolic behaviour, representational words and drawing & pretend play.
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What is the formal operational stage? & what ages?
(11-18) have the capicity for abstract thought, rational thought and problem solving.
17 of 42
What is the concrete operational stage? & what ages?
(7-11) Children use practical resources to help them understand things around them, the classify and categorise & use logic to understand what they see.
18 of 42
What are the stages of developing a schema?
Assimilation, Equilbrium, Disequilibrium & Accommodation
19 of 42
What is maturation during early adulthood?
When individuals reach physical maturity in early adulthood.
20 of 42
Name some signs of ageing.
greying hair, loss of muscle tone, loss of weight, loss of skin elasticity.
21 of 42
What is the 'perimenopause'? & what age do you begin it?
40-45yrs, the beggining of menopause, end of fertility.
22 of 42
What are the symptoms of the perimenopause?
hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, loss of libido, vaginal dryness.
23 of 42
What is the menopause? & what age do you get it?
45-60, menopause is a natural physiological change happens to women only during middle adulthood, happens over several years with the gradual ending of menstruation.
24 of 42
Name three symptoms of the menopause.
loss of libido, ovulation ends, night sweats, hot flushes, mood swings, bad health of hair, skin and nails.
25 of 42
Name 5 physical effects of ageing.
loss of muscle, loss of stamina, reduction in hearing, loss of mobility, reduction in vision, less elasticity in skin, thinning of hair.
26 of 42
What is LAD?
Language Acquisition Device
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What did Chomsky say children are born with?
Are bron with a structure in their brain that enables them to acquire language.
28 of 42
What were the critics of Chomsky's theory?
Lack fo evidence, rate of development may be quicker with other children, he put emphasis on grammer in sentance development.
29 of 42
According to Bowlby, what were infants biologically pre-programmed to do?
to form attachments.
30 of 42
What is self-concept?
The combination of self-image and self-esteem.
31 of 42
What thoery is based on nuture?
Bandura's social learning theory
32 of 42
What thoery's are based on nature?
Chomsky, Piaget, Gesell's
33 of 42
What is the Holmes-Rahe social adjustment rating scale?
Holmes and Rahe listed 43 life events that individuals may experience which add's up and the score shows how stressed you are compared to a chart they created.
34 of 42
Name 6 health care services.
sexual heath, mental health, pharmacy, dental, eye care, maternity services, chronic care.
35 of 42
Name the four parenting styles.
Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, Disengaged/ uninvolved.
36 of 42
Identify two health benefits of being a vegetarian
Low fat diet- low cholesterol, high fibre diet- improves digestive system.
37 of 42
Identify two health risks caused by being a vegetarian
lack of iron- low red blood cells, lack of calcium- weak bones & teeth.
38 of 42
What is happening to life exepctancy in the UK?
39 of 42
What is acute care?
meeting immediate health needs- like a broken hip, heart attack
40 of 42
What is healthcare?
medication, support for long term conditions, palliative care, continence care, specialist nursing/ units.
41 of 42
What is social care?
Own home, day care or residential, assessing needs, supporting independance, personal care, day-to-day care, respite care.
42 of 42
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name a posative behaviour caused by peer pressure.
Taking part in sport, studying, befreinding, respecting others, learning a new skill, healthy eating.
Card 3
What does a healthy relationship result in?
Card 4
What does a unhealthy realtionship result in?
Card 5
Name what independance can be influenced by?
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