Hitler's Road to War 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945IGCSECIE Created by: ImyCreated on: 05-04-13 14:54 January 1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany 1 of 11 October 1933 Hitler takes Germany out of the League of Nations 2 of 11 March 1935 Hitler holds massive Freedom to Rearm rally. 3 of 11 March 1936 Invasion of the Rhineland 4 of 11 Hitler provided aircraft and tested weapons in the Spanish Civil War 1936 5 of 11 November 1937 Hossbach Memorandum - Hitler's alleged blue print for war 6 of 11 March 1938 Anschluss with Austria 7 of 11 September 1938 Hitler invades Sudetenland 8 of 11 March 1939 Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia 9 of 11 August 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact 10 of 11 3rd September 1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany 11 of 11
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