Abolish Versailles, lebensraum, defeat Communism, national self-determination
1 of 13
Why did he want to abolish Versailles?
Tiny armed forces so no self-defence, Rhineland demilitarised, Anschluss forbidden, Danzig and Saarland under League's control
2 of 13
Why did he want lebensraum (living space)?
Population growth, Aryan superiority, determined to conquer Eastern Europe
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Why did he want to defeat Communism?
Nazi's were fascists (opposite of socialism), blamed Communists for WW1 defeat, feared Communist invasion
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Why did he want national self-determination?
Gain back control over Germany, defy Treaty, achieve Anschluss
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How did he attempt to abolish the Treaty?
Rearmed Germany and Rhineland, left the League of Nations, invaded Sudetenland in 1938, and claimed that Versailles only applied to previous government
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How did he attempt to expand German territory / gain lebensraum?
Invaded Poland in 1939, invaded Austria in 1938, invaded Sudetenland in 1938, had left League in 1933 so they couldn't act against him
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What impact did these actions have?
Made Germany seem aggressive creating British and French fear
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How did Hitler attempt to defeat Communism?
Told public that Communists caused WW1 defeat, gained sympathy from anti-socialist nations, made alliances with anti-Communist countries e.g. Italy and Japan
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What were the statistics of the German military in 1932?
36 planes, 33 warships, 100,000 soldiers
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What were the statistics of the German military in 1939?
8250 planes, 95 warships, 950,000 soldiers
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What was the impact of Germany's economic recovery?
Employment boost, increased Hitler's public popularity, allowed rearmament
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What was the impact of Germany's withdrawal from the League in 1933?
Freed from Kellogg-Briand pact, allowed rearmament, League had no army to force disarmament
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why did he want to abolish Versailles?
Tiny armed forces so no self-defence, Rhineland demilitarised, Anschluss forbidden, Danzig and Saarland under League's control
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