Hitler’s Foreign Policy 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryGermanyGCSEWJEC Created by: jorjaleaCreated on: 08-04-22 17:12 What were Hitler’s aims of the Foreign Policy? 1. Destroy the Treaty of Versailles 2. Rearmament 3. Gross Deutschland (Greater Germany) 4. Lebensraum (Living Space) 5. Mater Race 1 of 5 What happened during Rearmament (1933)? 1939 - 1 million men, 8000 war planes 2 of 5 What was Hitler’s Foreign Policy? Rearmament (1933) Rhineland (1936) Anschluss (March 1938) Sudetenland (Sept 1938) Czechoslovakia (March 1939) Poland (Sept 1939) 3 of 5 What is Appeasement? Britain and France made deals with Hitler to try and limit his programme and prevent war 4 of 5 What happened during the Munich agreement? That Hitler could only take the Sudetenland and not all of Czechos 5 of 5
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