Hitler's consolidation of power 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe rise of Germany 1871 – 1945A2/A-levelAQA Created by: cmegsCreated on: 09-01-19 17:14 For Hitler and the Nazis what was the significance of January 1933? The beginning of a national socialist revolution, the conquest of power 1 of 30 What was the start of the revolution? Aquiring dicatorial powers and then the elimination of non nazi parties 2 of 30 What are institutions of the state? Institutions linked to the state including the civil service, armed forces the police and the judicial system 3 of 30 What did Hitler claim that the nazi party was? The racial core of Germany 4 of 30 Which Nazi doctrine explains why there could only be one political party? Volksgemeinschaft 5 of 30 What were the 4 steps to achieving volksgemeinschaft? Banning the KPD, Exiling the SPD, dissolving the centre party and the DNVP and then passing the law against the formation of new parties 6 of 30 What did Hitler label the SPD? A party hostile to the nation and to the state 7 of 30 When was the SPD exiled? 22nd June 1933 8 of 30 When was the law passed against the formation of new parties? 14th of July 9 of 30 Which state could operate independently of central government and why? Prussia, it was so large that it was able to have its own government 10 of 30 Who was controlling prussia in january 1933? Hermann Goering 11 of 30 When was the state government of prussia dismissed? July 1932 12 of 30 When was the first law for the coodination of the federal states passed? 31st of march 1933, dissolved the existing state assemblies and replaced them with nazi dominated ones 13 of 30 When was the second law for the coordination of the federal states passed? 7th April 1933- created the new post of Reich govener and had to make sure that state government was following nazi policy 14 of 30 What law took the centralisation process a step further? The law for the Reconstruction of the Reich, state assemblies were abolished, 30th January 1934 15 of 30 What was abolished on the 14th of February 1934? The Reichsrat 16 of 30 What was a Reichleiter? A Nazi political official at a national level, a top ranking Nazi 17 of 30 What was a gauleiter? A Nazi leader a regional or state level, second ranking nazi political official 18 of 30 What dod the Nazis see the civil service as? An obstacle to their exercise of dictatorial power 19 of 30 What did the Nazis force within the government? For local officuials to resign and be replaced by Nazi party members who often had no experiance of government 20 of 30 How many members were in the SA in 1934? Roughly 3 million 21 of 30 What was meged in february 1933? The SA and the Stalhelm were merged and became the auxillary police force 22 of 30 What did Hitler declare in July 1933 about the state of the revolution? That the Nazi revolution was complete 23 of 30 What increased the pressure on Hitler? A speech papen made at Marburg university criticising Nazi excess of force 24 of 30 When was the night of the Long knives? 30th June 1934 25 of 30 How many victims of the night of the long knives were there? 84 executed, 1000 arrested 26 of 30 What was the SA membership figure in October 1935? 1.6 million 27 of 30 What did Hindenburg consider in the months before he died? Placing the army in charge and dismissing Hitler 28 of 30 When did Hindenburg die? 2nd of August 1934 29 of 30 How was the vote split on the pleblicite held after Hindenburgs death? 89.9% yes 10.1% no 30 of 30
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