History: WW2 and British Society 1931-51 - Date Quiz

A quiz on the key dates you may need to know for the exam on Modern World History: War and the Transformation of British Society

When was the Wall Street Crash?
29 October 1929
1 of 18
What did they label the period September 1939 - April 1940?
The Phoney War
2 of 18
When was Churchill appointed Prime Minister?
10 May 1940
3 of 18
When did the British troops evacuate Dunkirk?
May-June 1940
4 of 18
What happened on 21 June 1940?
French Government surrender
5 of 18
What happened during this period? August - September 1940
Battle of Britain
6 of 18
What name was given to this day? 15 August 1940?
Black Thursday
7 of 18
When was the first wave of bombings on London?
September 1940 - May 1941
8 of 18
What is the significance of 1 September 1939?
Evacuation started
9 of 18
The D-Day landings began 5-6 June 1944. True or False?
10 of 18
When did the Germans surrender?
May 1945
11 of 18
When was the Beveridge Report published?
December 1942
12 of 18
What period was the Great Depression?
13 of 18
When was the Special Areas Act introduced?
14 of 18
What march was carried out in 1936?
15 of 18
When was the 2nd Blitz?
16 of 18
What year did the Government introduce rationing and the Emergency Powers Act?
17 of 18
When was the general election after the war?
18 of 18

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Card 2


What did they label the period September 1939 - April 1940?


The Phoney War

Card 3


When was Churchill appointed Prime Minister?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did the British troops evacuate Dunkirk?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened on 21 June 1940?


Preview of the front of card 5
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