History- Unit 2 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish Politics 19th centuryASEdexcel Created by: AllyBlakeCreated on: 29-04-13 13:00 When was the Great Reform Act? 1832 1 of 7 Which was not on the People's Charter? Votes for Women 2 of 7 Who believed in "new moves"? William Lovett 3 of 7 Who passed the 1872 Secret Ballot Act? William Gladstone 4 of 7 Who led the BPU? Thomas Atwood 5 of 7 In which year was the 3rd Petition? 1848 6 of 7 Who had a rivalry with Gladstone? Benjamin Disraeli 7 of 7
The Collapse of the Liberal State and the triumph of Fascism in Italy, 1696-1943:Mussolini, Youth and Education 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings
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