History - Start of Topic 1

Multiple choice test for History , Topic 1. Start of Topic 1

  • Created by: Rebecca
  • Created on: 30-04-10 19:14
What Alliance was made in 1882?
Triple Alliance
1 of 15
Who did Bismark want to stay on friendly terms with?
Russia and Britain
2 of 15
When was the Treaty of Frankfurt signed?
3 of 15
In 1890, who did the new young Kaiser of Germany sack?
4 of 15
When was the Franco-Russian alliance made?
5 of 15
When did the Franco-Russian alliance become firmer?
When France loaned money to Russia for the development of the railways
6 of 15
What happened in 1904?
Entente Cordiale signed
7 of 15
Why did Britain need a strong navy?
For protection and to keep open trade/communications with the rest of its empire
8 of 15
What were the terms of the Entente Cordiale?
France allowed Britain to go ahead with reforms in Egypt, and Britain promised not to oppose any French action in Morocco
9 of 15
In 1905, where did the Kaiser parade around with a military procession on a white horse?
10 of 15
What did France HAVE to recognize in the conference at Algerciras in 1906?
Independence of Morocco
11 of 15
What did France get in Algericas in 1906?
Joint control of Moroccan police with Spain
12 of 15
What was the name of the ship that Germany sent to Agadir in the second Moroccan Crisis in 1911?
Gunboat Panther
13 of 15
What did the Kasier have that made him feel at a disadvantage?
Withered arm
14 of 15
When was the Franco-German war?
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who did Bismark want to stay on friendly terms with?


Russia and Britain

Card 3


When was the Treaty of Frankfurt signed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In 1890, who did the new young Kaiser of Germany sack?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When was the Franco-Russian alliance made?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Good quiz, really helped!



This quiz was really helpful and I learnt lots, I will do better (fingers crossed) next time

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