History LON Treat of Versailles 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCauses and effects of WW1GCSEAQA Created by: ZoeCreated on: 24-04-13 16:56 The treaty of Versailles was signed on ? 28 June 1919 1 of 12 The main military restrictions where ? Demilitarisation of the Rhineland, 15,000 Sailors, 100,000 Soldiers, 6 Battleships and no Submarines or Airforce 2 of 12 The League of nations main aims were ? Disarmament, world peace, better living conditions and uphold the treaty of versailles 3 of 12 Which countries were not in the league of nations ? USSR, America and Germany 4 of 12 The council had 4 permanent members, who were they ? Britain, France, Japan and Italy 5 of 12 Each permanent member could do what ? Economic power, Military power, Moral condemnation and Vito 6 of 12 The league of Nations did not have a ? Army 7 of 12 2 of the leagues successes were ? Banned white led in paint and stopped a war between Greece and Bulgaria 8 of 12 2 of the leagues failures were ? Manchurian crisis and Abyssinia crisis 9 of 12 The Manchurian crisis demonstrated the league was weak, how ? lack of organisation and lack of power to impose 10 of 12 The League of Nations tried to stop Abyssinia by ? Economic sanctions 11 of 12 Hitler broke the Treaty of versailles by ? rearmament, remilitarisation, Hitlers foreign policy and abyssinia 12 of 12
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