History - Germany 1919-1932 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryThe interwar years in EuropeGCSEAQA Created by: AbigailCreated on: 26-03-13 17:43 Before Weimar Republic Women couldn't vote, Autocracy, Kaiser was most powerful 1 of 5 End WWI Set up of Weimar Republic, Armistice was agreed between allies, Mutiny spread 2 of 5 Weimar Constitution Article 48, Equality, Democracy, Voted for an MP rather than a party 3 of 5 Occupation of Ruhr 1923-25, French and Belgium topps occupied Germany industrial areas due to failure of reparation pay back 4 of 5 Treaty of Versailles Signed 25th June 1919, German soldiers blamed politicians for losing war, Workers felt angry for all their work and for nothing 5 of 5
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