History Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe American West 1840-1895GCSENone Created by: Lauraa01Created on: 23-12-13 13:22 The place that fortune seekers came to. California 1 of 12 The name of the faith created by Joseph Smith. Mormons 2 of 12 The thing that made it easier for Native Americans to hunt Horses 3 of 12 The people who brought over horses. Europeans 4 of 12 The name of the law which allowed you to have more than one wife Polygamy 5 of 12 The thing that was spiritually important to the Native Americans Circles 6 of 12 One of the tribes which settled in America Sioux 7 of 12 Name of the thing Plains Indians used bones for Implements 8 of 12 The people who would go to war and go hunting out of the tribes Men 9 of 12 The person who told Joseph Smith to find the engraved plates Moroni 10 of 12 Name of the thing that Native Americans did not have Writing 11 of 12 One of things that medicine men had Courage 12 of 12
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