History and Medicine

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 28-05-13 16:00
Importance of chance in discovery of penicillin
limited importance,whole reason why he discovered penicillin (explain it a little), not that important other factors such as war/government
1 of 5
Role of religion in care for the sick
Nuns and monks ran the monasteries/prayed for them, limited the care of sick
2 of 5
Hospitals have changed since 1800?
Florence nightingale changed the way they were organised, more technology, discoveries, aseptic surgery. NHS funded them, variety of treatments
3 of 5
Effect of the renaissance discoveries?
continued importance of the causes, harvey/vesalius, technology, (harvey led to blood transfusion/surgery) Little effect of treatment and causes
4 of 5
Main causes of Black Death?
out of balance 4 humors, God, Miasma, Astrology, ethnic groups/ fashion sense
5 of 5

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Card 2


Role of religion in care for the sick


Nuns and monks ran the monasteries/prayed for them, limited the care of sick

Card 3


Hospitals have changed since 1800?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Effect of the renaissance discoveries?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Main causes of Black Death?


Preview of the front of card 5


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