History (Medicine) 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEAQA Created by: beccaCreated on: 27-11-12 09:09 Who discovered the four humours Hippocrates 1 of 10 Where was Galen allowed to disect humans? Alexandria 2 of 10 Who developed the four humours? Galen 3 of 10 Who's specialist was anatomy? Vesalius 4 of 10 Who was the army surgeon? paré 5 of 10 what % of the english population died because of the blak death? (nearly %) 40% 6 of 10 What was William Harveys Specialist? The Circulation of the blood 7 of 10 what were the four humours? yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, blood 8 of 10 Which two people watched Veslius' public dissections? Hippocrates and Galen 9 of 10 When Vesalius, Paré and Harvey were introduced wht did they no longer need to disect? animals 10 of 10
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