
Medcine Through Time

  • Created by: emily
  • Created on: 02-06-13 18:09
1000-250 BC
ANCIENT GREECE. Idea of gods creating illness, votives, asclepions to help to get better
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450 BC
HIPPOCRATES. Theory of the four humours Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Blood and Phlegm. If these are out of balance then you become ill. ( Start to move from the idea of God causing illness to there may actually be a cause)
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300-450 AD
ROME AND ROMAN BRITAIN. Public health is massive. The idea of prevention rather than cure. Aquaducts, Public baths, flushing toilets, Sewers, no building near to swamps.
3 of 5
450 BC
Roman Empire collapses. Most of the learning about natural causes are lost and supernatural is believed in again.
4 of 5
160 AD
5 of 5

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Card 2


HIPPOCRATES. Theory of the four humours Black Bile, Yellow Bile, Blood and Phlegm. If these are out of balance then you become ill. ( Start to move from the idea of God causing illness to there may actually be a cause)


450 BC

Card 3


ROME AND ROMAN BRITAIN. Public health is massive. The idea of prevention rather than cure. Aquaducts, Public baths, flushing toilets, Sewers, no building near to swamps.


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Card 4


Roman Empire collapses. Most of the learning about natural causes are lost and supernatural is believed in again.


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Card 5




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