People took slaves because there more slaves imported meant that they would be very rich wich made the captures get more slaves.
1 of 6
where does the slave triangle start
The slave traingle starts in England to africa then to the carribean hen to america then tats all over again
2 of 6
name some of the things traded
sugar, potatoes, rum, weapons, tobacco, iron, slaves, brandy, gold, fish
3 of 6
name one of the reason slavery was abolished in some other countries
Some African rulers refused to sell slaves to the traders. Occasionally villages attacked British slave ships and set the slaves free.
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what was the somersett case
in 1772 judge lord mansield ruled that slavery was illegal in England
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Should there be an apology for slavery?
The slave trade is not just a historical topic – it is a current political issue. In 2006, British Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed "deep sorrow and regret" for the slave trade. Many people said he had not gone far enough and that Britain should p
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
where does the slave triangle start
The slave traingle starts in England to africa then to the carribean hen to america then tats all over again
Card 3
name some of the things traded
Card 4
name one of the reason slavery was abolished in some other countries
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