History -Renaissance Medicine

  • Created by: m.19
  • Created on: 01-08-24 20:15
What happened in 1724?
Guy’s Hospital is founded
1 of 15
Who was Amboise Pare?
Surgeon for four French kings, overturned cauterisation and developed ligatures and prosthetics.
2 of 15
What did Van Leeuwenhoek do?
Perfected the microscope
3 of 15
Who died from liver failure caused by blood-letting, emetic, purgative and mercury?
Charles II
4 of 15
What is an artery?
Blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart
5 of 15
Who was doctor to Charles I and discovered the circulation of blood?
William Harvey
6 of 15
Who was the famous doctor that stressed the importance of observation 1624-1689?
Thomas Sydenham
7 of 15
What is the Scientific Method?
Observe, hypothesis, test, evaluate
8 of 15
When were the Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and York Hospitals founded?
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Who was the father of scientific medicine that wrote Fabric Of The Human Body, did public dissections and challenged Galen?
10 of 15
What is a charitable person called?
11 of 15
What is the tying off of veins and arteries called?
12 of 15
What was made in 1440, spreading ideas?
Printing press
13 of 15
What happened from 1665 to 1666?
Great Plague of London
14 of 15
What is the blood vessel that carries blood to the heart?
15 of 15

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Card 2


Who was Amboise Pare?


Surgeon for four French kings, overturned cauterisation and developed ligatures and prosthetics.

Card 3


What did Van Leeuwenhoek do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who died from liver failure caused by blood-letting, emetic, purgative and mercury?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an artery?


Preview of the front of card 5
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