History GCSE - Green Book Part 1
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- Created by: gg1903
- Created on: 03-03-19 16:23
What was the Paris Peace Conference?
In January 1919, representitives from 32 countires met in Versaille to discuss peace issues.
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Who were the "Big Three"?
Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Georges Clemenceau), USA (Woodrow Wilson)
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What did Clemenceau want from the Peace talks?
Clemenceau wanted Germany to pay for the damage they had caused to France, destroyed alot of French industry as well as loosing the most lifes. Clemenceau wanted to make Germany cripple so it would never attack France again, Germany was going to pay.
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What did Lloyd George want from the Peace talks?
He was elected because he was going to make Germany pay for damage caused, he was worried that if Germany was treated too harshley they would want revenge in the future, he wanted to be an ally with Germany so England could trade and grow its empire.
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What did Wilson want from the Peace talks?
The Americans didnt see any need for revenge as thye made money selling weapons to allies during the war, Wilosn was an idealsiet so came up with tthe LON where everyone was treated fairly and rule themselves.
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What were the fourteen points?
They were a list of points that Wilson presented to make the world a better place, this was becasue the "Big three" all wanted different things and it was hard to decide on what to do.
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What was changing in Europe in 1917?
There was a revolution in Russia, the Tsar had been assisignated a long with his family and now Communists were in charge which scared the rest of Europe.
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What was the Treaty Of Versailles?
It was the Treaty given to Germany after WW1 as a punishment for their crimes during the war.
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What was the L - land part of the TOV?
Germany's colonies in Africa were given as mandates to the LON, Germany was split in two to create the Polish Corridor, Danzig was made a free city under the LON.
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What was the A - army part of the TOV?
The German navy was limited to 15,000 men / officers, 6 battleships, The Rhineland was dimiliterised so there was no army there, no Luftwaffe, 100,000 men in the army, conscripton was banned.
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What was the M - money part of the TOV?
Germany had to pay 6.6 billion pounds in reparations.
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Land part 2 of the TOV?
Anshluss, the union between Germany and Austria was banned, Germany lost 10% of its land, The Saar land was a big industrial area for Germany that was put under the control of the LON for 15 years.
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What was the B - blame part of the TOV?
Germany had to sign Article 231 which is the warguilt clause statin that they claim responsibility for starting WW1 when they acctually didn't.
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What did Kaiser Wilhelm do after WW1?
He fled Germany to go to Holland.
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What had the TOV done to Germany?
It had put Germany in a state of turmoil and financial ruin.
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How had Britain been brainwashed into thinking Germany was bad?
By the use of properganda, there was no sympathy towards Germany after the TOV and WW1 because of this.
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Was Lloyd George happy with the TOV?
He thought it was fair and maybe should have been harsher in places, Britain now controlled a third of the globe, however, he was concerned of the threat of a future war from Germany.
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Was Clemenceau happy with the TOV?
France was generally happy that there wasn't a threat from Germany anymore, but, they thought that Germany should be punished a lot harder as France was affected very badly after WW1.
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Was Wilson happy with the TOV?
The USA thought that the Treaty was too harsh on Germany.
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Why was the USA favouring isolationism?
It meant that they shouldn't get involved with any foreign affairs as it didn't do them any good.
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Why wasn't the USA allowed to join the LON?
Because the Treaty was used to criticise Wilson by his rival party, the Republicans so it had to be ratified meaning they couldn't join the LON.
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What happened to Germany after the Kaiser abdicated?
A new democratic goverement was formed in 1919 on the 11th of August called the Weimar Republic, however it wasn't very favourbale and many revlots broke out, the first five years after WW1 were unstable and very violent.
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What happend on the 28th June 1919?
The TOV was signed.
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What happened on the 4th and 5th of January 1919?
Communists attempted to overthrow the German goverment.
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What happened in March 1920?
The Kapp Putsch, (revolt), against the German goverment occured only narrowly being defeated.
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What happens in April 1921?
It is agreed that Germany will pay 6.6 billion pounds in reparations.
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What happened on January 1923?
Germany misses a reparations payment, the French invade the Ruhr and steal the money they are owed, the German goverement pays workers to go on strike, so no goods for the French to take and prints more notes to pay the strikers, German economy ruin.
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What happened in November 1923?
Hyperinflation occured, a loaf of bread costs 200,000 million marks, money is worthless, the Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler attempts to overthrow the German goverment in the Muich Putsch.
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What happened in August 1924?
The Dawes plan is signed between America and Germany, they agree to lend Germany 800 million gold marks to help them rebuild their economy.
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Name 3 negative consequences of the TOV?
6 million Germans found themsleevs living outside of German territory and they feared prosecution because of the war guilt clause, German's felt vulnerable without a proper army, the reparations crippled Germany's economy.
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Which empires fell apart after WW1?
The Austro - Hungarian and Ottomen empires collapased.
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What was the Treaty of Saint Germain?
This Treaty was on the 10th September 1919, Austia lost land to Italy and Romainia, land was taken to create Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Poland, No reparations agreed to, Anscluss banned, Austria lost lots of its infrastructure and economy ruined.
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What was the Treaty of Neuilly?
Bulgaria lost land to Yugoslavia, Greece and Romainia but gained land from Turkey, 100 million pounds in reparations, Army limited to 20,000 men, no conscription, no air force and only four battleships, 27th November 1919.
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What was the Treaty of Tianon?
On the 4th June 1920, Hungary lost land to Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Austria, agreed repartions should be set but there was never an amount fixed, 30,000 men in the army, no conscription, only allowed three patrol boats.
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What was the Treaty of Sevres?
On the 10th August 1920, Turkey lost land to Greece and most of its land in Europe was taken except for an area around Constantinople, Ottomen empire split up, Turkish army limitedto 50,000 men, Turkey was angry, tried to overthrow the goverment.
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What was the treaty of Lausanne?
On July 1923, Turkey regained some of the land Greece had taken, control of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus staits, the right to decide how big their armed forces were, reparations were also cancelled and Allied troops were withdrawn.
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Why is the Treaty of Sevres important?
Proved that other Treaties were unenforceable, Britain agreed to make a new and farier Treaty which showed that they thought the first Treaty was too harsh, Mussolini and Hitler knew they could get away with breaking international law now.
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What did the Allies want to do in Europe?
They wanted to create a buffer zone between Germany and the USSR, but, they created Poland which was hard to defened due to it not having any natural barriers like mountains or rivers, The Polish Corridor was created to make Germany weaker.
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What were Clemenceau's final aims from the TOV?
Punishment and revenge, Protection - reduction of Germany's armed forces and power, Recover losses and reparations.
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What were Wilson's final aims from the TOV?
Self - determination, Start of the LON, Stop future wars.
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What were Lloyd George's final aims from the TOV?
Revenge and reparations for the people of Britain, Retain naval supremacy, Retain a trade relationship with Germany, Reduce the German Empire and preserve the British Empire, Reduce the risk of another war.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who were the "Big Three"?
Britain (David Lloyd George), France (Georges Clemenceau), USA (Woodrow Wilson)
Card 3
What did Clemenceau want from the Peace talks?

Card 4
What did Lloyd George want from the Peace talks?

Card 5
What did Wilson want from the Peace talks?

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