History flash cards
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- Created by: Hollygordon1999
- Created on: 16-05-16 17:31
When was the Tehran conference and what was it?
1943, USSR should have sphere of influence, do not feel threatened by countries, relieve pressure
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Whan was the Yalta conference and what was it?
1945, UN was set up, division of germany and berlin, 4 zones, Poland given land, USSR declare war on JPN
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When was the Potsdamn Conference and what was it?
1945, nazi party dissolved, war criminals punished (nuremburg trials), free election and G pay reperations
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Explain the concequences of the atomic bomb
Truman called it the 'master card', Stalin jelous, ordered soviet scientists to invent own atomic bomb
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What was the Iron Curtain speech?
1946, churchill, invisable line between east and west, seperating capitalism from communism
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What was the Truman Doctrine?
1947, wanted to rebuild europe, help countries threatened by communism, CONTAINMENT, provided money and defence, gace $400,000,000
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What was the Marshall aid plan?
1947, gave $13 billion to rebuild europe, weakend communism, helped USA economy, trade freely
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What were the consequences of the Marshall aid plan?
Stalin rejected Marshall aid, satelitte states must reject help from USA as well (sphere of influence)
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what is cominform?
1947 represented communist parties, brought them under direction of the USSR
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What is Bizonia?
1947, Great britain and america team up, stalin becomes worried
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What is Trizonia?
1947, GB, USA, FRANCE, set up german assembly and new currency, deuschmark
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What was the Berlin Blockade?
1948-49, military blockade, west germany could not reach berlin, resulted in Airlift
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What was the Airlift?
1000 tonnes of supplies sent in. 170,000 by Jan 1949, propaganda succsess for USA, West germany formed independent state
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What is comecon?
1949, members included hungry, poland, romania, No trade with west, helped recovery of eastern europe, east = no access with west
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What was NATO?
1949, alliance between USA + western europe, if country attack others would assist, defend against communism
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What was the Warsaw pact?
1955, military alliance in eastern europe, include cominform, included poland, hungary, czech and east germany
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What was the arms race?
1945-55, build bigger, more destructive weapons, competition between the 2 superpowers
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Why was there an arms race?
wanted an advantage, needed to cut arms cost, did not actually launch them, wanted to scare each other.
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What were the caused of the Hungarian uprising?
1949, land given to other countries, coal oil and wheat given to USSR, popular leaders executed.
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Who was Rakosi and what did he do?
1949-56, Hungarian Dictator, used salami tactics, imprisoned 387,000 peopl (5% of the population) killed 2,000 people
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What were the key features of the Hungarian Uprising?
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What were Nagy's reforms?
leave warsaw pact, overthrow communism, free elections, protection from UN against USSR
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Why did the Berlin Crisis take place?
1956-1958, WEST= greater freedom than east, 2.7 million refugees escaped to the west (1949-61), BRAIN DRAIN, easy to travel
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What was Khrushchrevs ultimatum about?
Brain drain = propaganda distaster for K, capitalism = more popular than communism, Gave USA 6 months to take troops out of Berlin (6 month ultimatum)
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What was the GENEVA summit about?
May 1959, foreign representatives, nothing agreed, organised another meeting. talk face to face
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What was CAMP DAVID about?
September 1959, Khrushchrev and Eisenhower, nothing agreed, Khrushchrev agreed to withdraw ultimatum
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What was PARIS about?
1960, USSR shot down USA spy plane, Eisenhower refused to apoligisem Khrushchrev stormed out of meeting
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What was VIENNA about?
June 1961, Khrushchrev and JFK, neither sides backed down, K saw JFKA as inexperienced, K brought back ultimatum
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How does Kennedy prepare for war?
refuses to remove troops, $3.2 billion spent on defence, $207 million spent on nuclear fallout shelters
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Why did Khrushchrev decide to build the war?
JFK looked weak (bay of pigs), USA x20 more powerful than USSR, prevent refugee problem
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What were the impacts of the Berlin wall?
stopped refugee problem, allowed K to aviod war with USA, became power symbol of USSR, 300 people killed trying to cross it
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What was the Bay of Pigs incident about?
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What were the Key features of the CMC?
1963, 180 ships used (nuclear submarines),Khrushchrev sent two letters, comprimise, destroy USA if didnt leave Cuba alone, blockade removed,
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What were the consequences of the CMC?
looked like USSR had backed down, JKF victory, K forced to resign. Hot line set up
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What was the Hotline?
1963, direct communication between USSR and USA, made communications easier, lead to speedy decisions
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what was the limited test ban treaty?
1963, banned all nuclear tests, except underground
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what was the outer space treaty?
1967, banned all nuclear weapons in space
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What was the Prague spring?
1968, freedom in Czech, Dubcek made reforms, relaxation of press, legalise political parties, more power in parliment
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What were the caused of the Czech uprising?
satelittle state, economy struggling, no free elections, run by secret police, low standard of living, detente encouraged the uprising
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What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
1968. have the right to invade any country in Eastern europe threathened by the sercurity of the East
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What were the key features of the Czech uprising?
20th August 1968, 500,000 troops invaded Czech, Dubcek arrested, sent to moscow, czech didnt fight back, Dubcek had to removed political leaders and reintroduce censorships
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What were the effects the Czech invasion?
returned to communist control, 47 anti communists arrested, made relations worse
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What was the Non-prolification treaty?
1968, banned USA and USSR from passing on weapons to other countries
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Whan was the Yalta conference and what was it?
1945, UN was set up, division of germany and berlin, 4 zones, Poland given land, USSR declare war on JPN
Card 3
When was the Potsdamn Conference and what was it?

Card 4
Explain the concequences of the atomic bomb

Card 5
What was the Iron Curtain speech?

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