History Boom 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe USA - twentieth century changeGCSEAQA Created by: frankiedarkwahCreated on: 10-11-18 20:09 President who didn’t help in the great deppression Hoover 1 of 9 When goods are made in a large amount on an assembly line Mass Production 2 of 9 Name of illegal seller of alcohol Bootlegger 3 of 9 Name of women who smoked, drank and danced with men Flappers 4 of 9 Motor car company which sold 15 million cars on hire purchase Fordism 5 of 9 ‘BUY NOW, PAY LATER’- BUY ON CREDIT Hire Purchase 6 of 9 8/10 bought on credit Radios 7 of 9 Democrat President who introduced new deal Roosevelt 8 of 9 Topic in which shows those who didn’t benefit from boom Inequalities of wealth 9 of 9
the roaring 20's-key issue 1. how and why did the usa achieve proseperitt in the 1920's. 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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