it is a source that is phisically written or made in that time pieriod.
1 of 20
What is a interpretations?
it is a source that was made after the time peiriod.
2 of 20
Give an example of a contemporary source?
hitlers speach, uniform fro world war 2/1
3 of 20
what is the order of the feudal system?
king, barons, knights, peasants
4 of 20
give a feature of an mote and bailey castle? and how?
the keep is very high off of the ground hat makes it harder to be attacked.
5 of 20
how many people were lost in europe in the black death?
it lost half of its population.
6 of 20
what did people not know about the black death?
what caued it.
7 of 20
give two things that peopl believed caused the the black death?
bad air, god
8 of 20
who was the 3 people who were fighting each other to be king in 1066?
Harold Godwineson, Harald Hardraada, William of Normandy
9 of 20
what battle happened before the battle of hastings?
the battle of stamford bridge.
10 of 20
how much space would a farmer get in medival times
the would get one ***** on each field.
11 of 20
what were the 3 ordeals in the medival times?
fire, water and combat
12 of 20
what is the ordeal of fire?
it is where you have to hold a burning red hot bar and then you return a couple days and if your burn mark has heald then your not punished but if it has not then you are punished.
13 of 20
what is the ordeal of water?
it is where your are tied up and then thrown into a river if you float then you are punished but if you sink then you are not punished.
14 of 20
what is a caltrop?
it is a wepon that you would put on the ground and if a enermy horse/ person who steps on it will stab themselves.
15 of 20
what was the order of the church?
the pope, bishops, the pariyh preist.
16 of 20
what did thomas becket do?
he was the achbishop of canterburry
17 of 20
how did thomas becket die
4 of king henrys knights went to killl him as they overheard henry.
18 of 20
why did the tudors like king John? give two reasons.
because henry lost a lot of land and did stupid things.
19 of 20
when did the hundred year war start?
20 of 20
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a interpretations?
it is a source that was made after the time peiriod.
Card 3
Give an example of a contemporary source?
Card 4
what is the order of the feudal system?
Card 5
give a feature of an mote and bailey castle? and how?
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