Historical Sport
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- Created by: sampayne
- Created on: 06-03-15 11:30
Elementary School Drill Background
1866- Army rejected 380/1000 recruits on physical grounds. Board schools were established by the Forster education act 1870. Leaving age is 12. Very limited space due to industrialisation.
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Elementary School Drill Influences
European Gymnastic Teachers
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Elementary School Drill Objectives
Fitness for army recruits, Discipline, To provide the working class children with what public school boys are getting.
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Elementary School Drill Methodology
Authoritarian. Command Response. Taught by army non-commisioned officers (NCOs) in 1870s. in the 1890s was taught by qualified class teachers.
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Elementary School Drill Content
Military Drill (marching, arm raises), Swedish drill (tedius, slow, instructive movements)
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The Model Course (1902) Background
Military needs are more powerful than educational theory. Girls and boys instructed together. Failed to cater for different ages. Children were treated as soldiers. Taught by army NCOs. Dull, repetitive and static drills.Small Space, lots of people.
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The Model Course Influences
Imposed as a result of Britains poor performance in the Boer war.
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The Model Course Objectives
Fitness for Military Service or war, Training in Weapon Handling, Discipline for working class.
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The Model Course Methodology
Command Responce, Attention, Stand at Ease, Group responces with no indiviuality, In Ranks.
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The Model Course Content
Millitary Drill Marching, Static Exercises e.g Arm Raises, Weapon Training and deep breathing.
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Syllabus of Physical Training Background
Industrial Depression in 1930s left many working class unemployed. The Syllabus had two sections; one for 11+ and one for 11-
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Syllabus of Physical Training Influences
Hadow report: identified the need to differentiate between ages for physical training. Dr George Newman discussed the health and mind of the body
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Syllabus of Physical Training Objectives
Physical Fitness. Therapeutic Benefits. Good physique and posture. Development of mind and body (holistic aims)
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Syllabus of Physical Training Methodology
Direct Style of lessons. Group work, special clothing and kit, 5x20min lessons a week. New gymnasia built. Outdoor lessons reccomended (george newman), some specialist teachers.
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Syllabus of Physical Training Content
Group Work, Athletics, Gymnastics, Games skills.
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Moving and growing (1952) & Planning the programme (1954) Background
Butler Education Act 1944 aimed to ensure equality of educational opportunit. Local authorities had to provide playing fields for schools. Leaving age raised to 15. Intended to replace the 11- section of 1933 syllabus
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Moving and growing (1952) & Planning the programme (1954) Influences
2nd world war recquired thinking soldiers, Assault course equipment infleunced apparatus design. Post war rebuild produced expansion of facilities
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Moving and growing (1952) & Planning the programme (1954) Objectives
Physical, Social and cognitive development. Variety of experiences, enjoyment, personal satisfaction and increased partcipation
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Moving and growing (1952) & Planning the programme (1954) Methodology
Progressive. Child centred and enjoyment orientated. Specialised PE teachers. Guidance rather than direction. Problem solving. Individual discovery. Using full apparatus
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Moving and growing (1952) & Planning the programme (1954) Content
Agility, Gymnastic, dance and game skills. Sequence work, apparatus work, movement to music.
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National Curriculum (1970 &1980s) : Impact of industrial action by teachers
Reduced opportunity and provision, extra curricular activities stopped, participation reduced in schools and shifted to community clubs. Teachers had negative press
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Potential Positives of National Curriculum (1970 &1980s)
Higher and clearer national standards. Broad and balanced PE experience for all. Consistent content making easy transition between schools. increased likelihood of lifelong participation. devs social skills eg.fair play.
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Potential Negatives of National Curriculum (1970 &1980s)
Tracking and records means more paperwork for teachers, reduces some teachers creativity and restricts them. Imposes pressure on schools to have facilities e.g tennis courts. some teachers can manipulate predominant sports played.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Elementary School Drill Influences
European Gymnastic Teachers
Card 3
Elementary School Drill Objectives
![Preview of the front of card 3](https://ws.getrevising.co.uk/revision-tests/historical_sport/2/b/preview.png)
Card 4
Elementary School Drill Methodology
![Preview of the front of card 4](https://ws.getrevising.co.uk/revision-tests/historical_sport/3/b/preview.png)
Card 5
Elementary School Drill Content
![Preview of the front of card 5](https://ws.getrevising.co.uk/revision-tests/historical_sport/4/b/preview.png)
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