
Religion - Edward - Haigh
Somerset's dissolving of chantries; motivated more by financial motives than religious ones. Second book of CP 'broke decisively with the past'. 'As services became plainer...so churches attracted less affection'
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Religion - Edward - Macculloch
Northumberland's religious reform reflected the increasing influence of Edward. 'Already in the 1540s the old world was losing it's enchantment'
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Religion - Edward - Duffy
Northumberland's reforms introduced 'flood-tide of radicalism'
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Religion - Mary - Davies
'Marian catholicism... represented the flow of the current'
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Religion - Elizabeth - Lotherington
'A living symbol of the break with Rome'
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Religion - Elizabeth - Foxe (C16th) to Pollard (1950s)
Elizabeth deliberately set out to establish Church of England
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Religion - Elizabeth - Neale
'Puritan Choir' led to more protestant settlement than Elizabeth would have wanted
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Religion - Elizabeth - Jones
Settlement not opposed by puritans in commons but by Marian Catholic bishops in Lords
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Religion - Elizabeth - Elton
Excommunication 'unmistakable declaration of war'
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Religion - Elizabeth - Guy
E pursued a 'purposeful ambiguity' in settlement. Scale of plots exaggerated by Cecil to bring down MQS.
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Religion - Elizabeth - Haigh
Whitgift not that successful - still Catholics in North and Puritans in South. 'Within 2 generations the Catholics had dwindled to numerical insignificance''. English college at Douai; 'an instant educational success'
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Religion - Elizabeth - Bossy
Jesuit priests did much to ensure survival of Catholicism. Throckmorton Plot a 'fairly near thing'
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Religion - Elizabeth - Lake
Two-speed settlement
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Religion - Elizabeth - Williams
Elizabeth's 'Church and it's liturgy became the accustomed religion of the majority'
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Parliament - Lingard (C19th)
Parliament was subservient, even repressed under the Tudors
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Parliament - Neale and Pollard
'Puritan Choir' - Lead by Wentworth - Sustained opposition - Origins of Civil War
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Parliament/Religion - Winthrop
Elizabeth and ministers intended settlement to be firmly protestant
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Parliament - Elton and Graves
Too much has been read into the existence of the Puritan Choir
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Parliament - Sir Thomas Smith
'What can a commonwealth desire more than peace, liberty, quietness, little taking of base money, and very few parliaments'
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Parliament - Haigh
Elizabeth's tone towards Parliament was one of 'condescending superiority'... 'For Elizabeth, parliamentarians were little boys'
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Parliament - Graves
Wentworth 'was little more than a parliamentary nuisance'
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Parliament - Smith
'events rather than an institution'
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Parliament - Elizabeth I
'your bills can have no force without my assent'... 'a strange thing that the foot should direct the head in so weighty a cause'
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Parliament - Williams
1597-1598 Parliament had 'an impressive record of achievement' (Poor Law)
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Parliament - Guy
1601 Parliament was 'the most fractious of Elizabeth's reign'
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Government - Edward - Guy
1549 'the closest thing Tudor England came to a class war'
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Government - Edward - Duffy
Western Rebellion exhibited 'class antagonism'
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Government - Edward - MacCulloch
Emphasised a number of specific grievances leading to Kett's: hatred of local govt officials, resentment of the abuse of landowners of the Norfolk foldcourse system, and frustration about the maladministration locally of the Howards.
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Government - Somerset - Jordan
'a very great man'
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Government - Somerset - Loach
'failed in Scotland... mishandled his colleagues and the crisis of 1549...corrupt and greedy'
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Government - Northumberland - Weir
'arguably the most evil statesmen to govern England during the C16th'
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Government - Northumberland - Hoak
'one of the most remarkably able governers of any European state during the C16th'
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Government - Mary - Williams
For a country at war, financial record was 'at least adequate'
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Government - Mary - Duffy and Haigh
Reflected popular opinion
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Government/Relgiion - Elizabeth - Schama
MQS 'not just a headache but a magnet for conspiracy'
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Government - Elizabeth - Haigh
Northern Rebellion 'a botched attempt'
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Government - Elizabeth - Schama
Northern Rebellion 'the last great rebellion to trouble Tudor England'
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Government - Elizabeth - Smith
PC members replaced by 'mediocrities' in 1590s
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Government - Elizabeth - Williams
Essex's rebellion 'the visible tip of a larger range of discontent'
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Foreign Policy - Edward - Pollard
Treaty with Scotland 'the most ignominious treaty signed in the century'
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Foreign Policy - Mary - Tittler
'It is hard to think of a war with less gain and more loss of face'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Lotherington
'imbued with a healthy dose of realism'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - France - Guy
'the years after 1563 were ones of cautious isolationism in foreign affairs'. Treaty of blois 'defensive league'. Policy w. France 'attempting to reconcile political and economic needs with religious differences'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - France - Cecil
'The whole state of the world is marvellously changed when we true Englishmen have cause to wish success to a King of France'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Spain - Pollitt
Privateering fully supported by Elizabeth
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Spain - Wilson
Seizure of 40,000 florins en route to Netherlands was 'an act of piracy'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Spain - Adams
'Both Elizabeth and Philip lost their nerve and the result was war'
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Netherlands - Wilson
No plan, inconsistent policy, failure to fulfil promises of aid
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Netherlands - Wernham
Successful and consistent policy, careful plan to reduce Spanish influence and also acted to reduce French influence by management of Anjou.
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Foreign Policy - Elizabeth - Netherlands - Maccaffrey
England lacked resources to support a consistent approach, but improvised to achieve ultimate success
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Foreign Policy/Government - Elizabeth - Ireland - Jefferies
Post battle of Yellow Ford, Irish rebels 'on verge of creating an independent, Catholic Ireland'
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Religion - Edward - Macculloch


Northumberland's religious reform reflected the increasing influence of Edward. 'Already in the 1540s the old world was losing it's enchantment'

Card 3


Religion - Edward - Duffy


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Religion - Mary - Davies


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Religion - Elizabeth - Lotherington


Preview of the front of card 5
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