1951 Election
majority 17 - Winston Churchill (Conservative)
1 of 16
1955 Election
majority 60 - Anthony Eden (Conservative)
2 of 16
1959 Election majorit
100 majority - Harold MacMillan (Conservative)
3 of 16
1963 Election majority
4 majority - Harold Wilson (Labour)
4 of 16
1967 Election majority
98 majority - Harold Wilson (Labour)
5 of 16
1971 Election majority
30 majority - Ted Heath (Conservative)
6 of 16
FEB 1974 Election
Harold Wilson (Labour)
7 of 16
OCT 1974 Election
Harold Wilson (Labour) - replaced by Jim Callaghan
8 of 16
1979 Election majority
43 majority - Thatcher (Conservative)
9 of 16
1983 Election majority
144 majority - Margaret Thatcher (Conservative)
10 of 16
1987 Election majority
102 majority - Margaret Thatcher (Conservative)
11 of 16
1992 Election majority
21 - John Major (Conservative)
12 of 16
1997 Election Majority
179 majority - Tony Blair (Labour)
13 of 16
2001 Election majority
167 majority - Tony Blair (Labour)
14 of 16
2005 Election
Tony Blair
15 of 16
David Cameron
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


1955 Election


majority 60 - Anthony Eden (Conservative)

Card 3


1959 Election majorit


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1963 Election majority


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1967 Election majority


Preview of the front of card 5
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