Hindu Perspecitves on The Value of Human Life 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesHinduismASAQA Created by: Amy McDowallCreated on: 21-01-14 14:20 Atman Individual immortal soul, or true self 1 of 8 Karma In Hinduism, and Buddhism, the sum of a persons actions in this and previuos states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences 2 of 8 Brahman The universal absolute being or supreme soul 3 of 8 Catse A hereditary social class among Hindus; stratified according to ritual purity 4 of 8 Jivatman Individual ego 5 of 8 Fatalism The view that everything that happens is predetermined and that we have no control over it 6 of 8 Free Will Having the ability to choose or determine one's own actions 7 of 8 Equality All people have the same status in certain respects 8 of 8
The value of life: religious teachings about the value of life with particular reference to the quality of life, self-sacrifice and nonhuman life including the relative importance of human and nonhuman life CHRISTIANITY 0.0 / 5