Henry VIII 1509-1540
Just some content tests my teacher gave me for AS philosophy. The spelling and grammar is definitely not perfect, nor are the questions asked in the "best" way, so I'm sorry!
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- Created by: Joanna_153
- Created on: 20-05-13 19:24
Which two advisors of Henry VII did Henry VIII quickly arrest and execute?
Empson and Dudley
1 of 100
Henry wanted to be a Renaissance king – meaning what?
good at everything
2 of 100
Henry wanted to be an imperial king – meaning what?
having complete power over everything in England
3 of 100
Which previous king did Henry VIII want to emulate?
Henry V (for victories over France)
4 of 100
What was the first job that Wolsey had as a member of the Council?
Royal Almoner
5 of 100
Name 3 other jobs Wolsey acquired?
Bishop of Tournai, Bishop of Lincoln, Archbishop of York (all 1514), Cardinal, Lord Chancellor (both 1515), papal legate (1518)
6 of 100
Quote Skelton on Wolsey:
‘so puffed with pride’ ‘so fat a maggot’
7 of 100
Give an example of Wolsey and Henry disagreeing:
1522 – Wolsey wanted a surprise attack on France, Henry thought it would be foolish (and other egs)
8 of 100
Wolsey was the son of whom?
An Ipswich butcher
9 of 100
How much richer was Wolsey than anyone else (apart from the king) in England?
10 times
10 of 100
Whose 1521 execution was Wolsey rumoured (prob falsely) to have had a part in?
Duke of Buckingham
11 of 100
How many cases a year were dealt with by the Star Chamber under Wolsey?
12 of 100
Name one person against whom Wolsey used the courts to pursue a vendetta?
Amyas Paulet
13 of 100
What was enclosure?
Fencing off common land for sheep rearing
14 of 100
What compromise did Wolsey reach with parliament on enclosure in 1523?
no new enclosures, but the existing ones stayed
15 of 100
What was the traditional form of taxation and with what did Wolsey replace it?
Fifteenths and tenths, replaced by the subsidy
16 of 100
When was the Amicable Grant and which part of the country particularly rebelled against it?
1525, East Anglia
17 of 100
How many times did Parliament meet while Wolsey was in power?
18 of 100
Which part of the government structure does David Starkey argue was particularly important under Henry VIII?
Privy Chamber
19 of 100
What did Wolsey do to the Privy Chamber in 1519?
Purged it – sacked various people
20 of 100
When were the Eltham Ordinances and what did they do?
1526 – reduced number of people in the royal household, ie including Privy Chamber – Council became more important
21 of 100
Whose 1515 affair increased anti-clericalism in London?
22 of 100
What was benefit of the clergy, criticised in parliament in 1512 and 1515?
Fact that clergy members could have their cases heard in church courts
23 of 100
Name a clerical crime of which Wolsey was definitely guilty:
pluralism (more than one church job), nepotism (giving jobs to family – ie his illegitimate son)
24 of 100
What is patronage?
Power to give jobs
25 of 100
Whose affair with Ann Boleyn did Wolsey break up to try to help the King get the woman he wanted?
Henry Percy
26 of 100
Who was Archbishop of Canterbury at the start of Henry’s reign, and who succeeded him?
Warham, Cramner
27 of 100
When did Henry first invade France?
28 of 100
Which other European power let him down by not turning up to join the attack?
Ferdinand of Spain
29 of 100
Which towns were captured in the Battle of the Spurs and when?
Therouanne and Tournai, 1513
30 of 100
Which king of Scotland was killed at Flodden and who, because the new king was too young, replaced him as regent?
James IV, Henry's sister Margret
31 of 100
How did Maximilian let Henry down in 1515?
Accepted a secret payment, then joined the French
32 of 100
What was the basic idea of the Treaty of London, and when was it?
1518, non-aggression and collective scrutiny
33 of 100
When did Charles become (a) king of Spain (b) Holy Roman Emperor?
a) 1516 B) 1519
34 of 100
When was the alliance with the Holy Roman Empire, against France, confirmed?
35 of 100
Who led the invasions into France, in the 1520's?
(a) 1522 Surrey (b) 1523 Suffolk
36 of 100
When was the Battle of Pavia?
37 of 100
By which treaty did England and France confirm their alliance in 1527?
38 of 100
Which peace treaty of 1529 between France and Spain left England isolated?
39 of 100
How much did Henry spend fighting wars 1511-25?
£1.4 million
40 of 100
What did Leviticus say would happen if someone married his brother’s wife?
The couple would be childless
41 of 100
Which book of the Bible said you should marry your brother’s widow?
42 of 100
What was Catherine’s argument about her marriage to Henry’s brother Arthur?
It had never been consumated
43 of 100
Roughly when did Henry become infatuated with Ann Boleyn?
44 of 100
Name Henry’s illegitimate son (who showed any childlessness problems weren’t caused by Henry).
Henry Fitzroy
45 of 100
What relation was Charles V to Catherine of Aragon?
46 of 100
Name 3 methods Wolsey used to try to get the annulment.
(a) argue the original papal dispensation for the marriage was wrong on a technicality (had been issued on the basis of consummation, so wasn’t valid if there wasn’t consummation) – but Henry didn’t want this approach (b) get the cardinals to make a
47 of 100
Name two of Catherine’s supporters
Fisher & More
48 of 100
In what year did the court case in England finally begin?
49 of 100
With what crime was Wolsey charged in 1529?
50 of 100
Name one clerical crime which the Reformation parliament quickly criticised.
51 of 100
Name the pamphlet, criticising the priests, which Simon Fisher published in 1529.
A supplication for the beggars
52 of 100
What did Foxe and Cranmer put together in 1530?
The Collectanea
53 of 100
Why did the clergy have to pay a fine in 1531?
As they were charged with praemunire
54 of 100
What did the clergy agree to call Henry in the Pardon of the Clergy, 1531?
"Sole protector and supreme head of the English Church and clergy". Fisher added "as far as the law of Christ allows"
55 of 100
In 1532 the House of Commons passed a petition against Church courts. What was this called?
Supplication against the ordinaries
56 of 100
The 1532 Submission of the Clergy said what?
New Canon laws had to be approved by the King first, and all existing laws would be inspected
57 of 100
Who resigned as chancellor as a result of the above?
Thomas More
58 of 100
Why did marrying Ann become an urgent issue by 1532?
Because she was pregnant (they married in Jan 1533)
59 of 100
Who died in 1532, which made changes easier to achieve?
Warham, who was replaced by Cramner
60 of 100
What was Convocation?
The Church parliament, one in the North and one in the South
61 of 100
When was the act of Supremacy passed?
62 of 100
When was the Treasons Act passed and what was new about it?
1534 made it treason to argue against the supremacy even in thought
63 of 100
Who had to swear an oath to what?
All adult males had to swear an oath to the act of succession, and all clergy had to swear that the Pope was no more important than a foreign bishop
64 of 100
Name the Holy Maid of Kent.
Elizabeth Barton
65 of 100
What prophecy of hers triggered her arrest and execution?
That Henry would cease to be King within a month
66 of 100
Members of which religious orders did Henry have arrested/executed?
Carthusians and observant friars
67 of 100
Give reasons why John Fisher got executed
A) He supported Catherine B) opposed the Act of Supremacy C) was in contact with Chapuys D) was made a cardinal and E) supported Elizabeth Barton
68 of 100
In what year were both Fisher and More executed?
69 of 100
. How many religious houses (ie monasteries and nunneries) were there in 1530?
at least 825
70 of 100
Name the survey of the monasteries’ wealth that Cromwell carried out in 1535.
The Valor
71 of 100
According to the Valor, what proportion of landed property was in monastic hands?
72 of 100
Name the three vows that had to be taken by all monks.
Poverty, Chastity and obedience
73 of 100
Give the four main arguments as to why the monasteries were dissolved.
Loyalty to Rome, corruption and abuses, Cromwell's evangelism and money
74 of 100
When were the greater and lesser monasteries, respectively, dissolved?
1536 and 1539
75 of 100
Give the three main arguments as to how far the monsteries’ dissolution was planned.
(a) Cromwell always planned to dissolve them all (b) plan only took hold once the Valor showed their wealth (c) only planned to dissolve the small ones, but then saw how easy it was
76 of 100
new organisation of government was set up to deal with the income from the monasteries?
Legh and Layton
77 of 100
Name a head of monastery who was executed.
The Abbot of Glastonbury
78 of 100
Which was the last monastery to close?
Waltham Abbey
79 of 100
Name some consequences of the dissolution (obviously lots of other ones):-
loss of monastic charity (though the Valor said this was only 2% of their total wealth), 1,500 monks didn’t find new jobs, new ruthless landlords created through their acquisition of new land from the Crown in the 1540s, six new dioceses established
80 of 100
In which county did the overall Pilgrimage of Grace unrest start, and which county saw the main rebellion?
Lincolnshire and Yorkshire
81 of 100
Name two of Cromwell’s commissioners who were notorious for their fierce approach
Legh and Layton
82 of 100
Why were people angry at the 1536 Statute of Uses?
Emphasised the king’s feudal right to claim property when a tenant died
83 of 100
Name a demand of the York rebels that was not a focus of the Lincolnshire rebels.
A free parliament in the North
84 of 100
Which noble was sent to negotiate with the rebels?
85 of 100
What concessions did the government make?
Stopped collecting the 1534 subsidy, pardoned the rebels and promised a parliament in York
86 of 100
Which rising, in early 1537, led to Henry executing the rebel leaders after all?
Cumberland and Westmorland (these were the leaders)
87 of 100
What is caesaropapism?
that the monarch has authority over the Church in his country (so similar to imperial king)
88 of 100
Name key evangelists
Cranmer, Shaxton, Latimer, Barnes, Jerome and Cromwell
89 of 100
Name two key conservatives.
Gardiner, Norfolk
90 of 100
When were the 10 Articles passed and how many sacraments did they mention?
1536, 3
91 of 100
Which book of 1537 was also leaning towards Protestantism?
Bishops’ Book
92 of 100
In what year did Cromwell’s injunctions insist that each church should have a copy of the English Bible?
93 of 100
Who was Ann Boleyn’s preacher, who in 1536 spoke up defending the clergy from their public criticism?
John Skip
94 of 100
What personal misfortune did Ann Boleyn suffer in January 1536?
A miscarriage
95 of 100
What religious job was Cromwell given in 1535?
Vice gerent in spirituals
96 of 100
Which Protestant was brutally executed in 1538, illustrating the swing back to Catholicism?
John Lambert
97 of 100
did Henry marry Ann of Cleves (same year as Cromwell’s execution)?
98 of 100
Why was the marriage to Ann no longer politically useful for Henry?
The French-Spanish alliegance had broken down
99 of 100
Because failure to follow it could lead to death for denying transubstantiation, what was the Act of 6 Articles (1539) called by its opponents?
The whip with six strings
100 of 100
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Henry wanted to be a Renaissance king – meaning what?
good at everything
Card 3
Henry wanted to be an imperial king – meaning what?
Card 4
Which previous king did Henry VIII want to emulate?
Card 5
What was the first job that Wolsey had as a member of the Council?
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