Henry VIII - foreign policy
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- Created by: HarryS02
- Created on: 30-05-20 13:24
When was Henry VIII's first French expedition?
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What was Henry's policy in France, 1512?
Troops to Aquitaine, army to Northern Spain (alliance vs France)
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Why did Henry's French policy in 1512 fail?
Spain did not help, used as distraction to win back land in Pyrenees. English troops unpopular with the Spanish
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When was Henry VIII's second French expedition?
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What were Henry's successes in his second expedition?
Therouane and Tournai BUT gave Therouane to Maximilian
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When was the battle of Spurs?
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Why was the battle of Spurs a success?
propaganda success, could say they beat the French, reality there was no fighting, French nobles fled
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When was the battle of Flodden?
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Why was the battle of Flodden a success?
Victory over Scots who invaded first. killed 30,000 and James IV. Margaret now regent to James V.
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When was the first treaty with France?
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Why was the treaty with France a failure?
Peace treaty, Henry wanted to defeat France, didnt have finance for war.
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Why was the treaty with France a success?
French to pay arrears of French pension, Henry to keep conquests, Henry's sister Mary to marry Louis XII of France
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When was the French victory at Marigano?
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Why was the French victory at Marigano a failure for Henry?
French took Milan, made Henry's efforts look lame, England look weak
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When was the treaty of Noyon?
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Why was the treaty of Noyon a failure for Henry?
French and Spanish agreement to give up the claim to Italy, truce, left Henry isolated
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When was the treaty of London?
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Why was the treaty of London a success for Henry?
Made peace in Europe, Henry looked like a peacemaker, respected
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When was the field of cloth of gold?
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How was the field of cloth of gold a success to Henry?
Henry met Francis, showed Henry at the centre of European diplomacy, magnificent event
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How was the field of cloth of gold a failure for Henry?
Achieved nothing diplomatically, cost 1 year of income
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When was the treaty of Bruges?
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What was agreed at the treaty of Bruges?
Wolsey would invade France unless France made peace with Charles.
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Why was the treaty of bruges a failure for Wolsey?
He mistakenly believed that the threat of invasion would restore French peace
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When was the second war with France under Henry VIII?
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What started the second war with France?
The treaty of Bruges, England forced to send an army
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Why was the second war with France a failure?
Charles abandoned Henry to recapture Milan, cost Henry £40,000 (years income)
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When was the battle of Pavia?
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What happened during the battle of pavia?
HRE forces defeated France, captured Francis
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Who was the battle of pavia a success for?
Charles and Milan
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Why was the battle of Pavia a failure for Henry?
Charles refused Henry's wish to take control of France
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When was the Amicable Grant?
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Why was the Amicable Grant a failure for Henry?
Henry asked Wolsey to raise taxes for French invasion, along with forced loans, didnt use government, forced tax, led to rebellions, Henry looked bad, had to apologise for Wolsey
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How did Spain change foreign policy direction in 1525
Charles refused to attack France or to marry Mary Tudor, Henry needed peace and to make marriage alliances
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When was the treaty of moore?
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Why was the treaty of moore a success for England?
Peace with France, England began anti-imperial policy with Italy (enforced by treaty of Westminster). Henry gained an annual French pension
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Why was the treaty of moore a failure for Henry?
He gave up his claim to the French throne
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When was the league of cognac?
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What was the league of cognac?
Aimed to drive the imperial army away from Northern Italy
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When was the treaty of amiens?
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How was the treaty of amiens a success for Henry?
Anglo-French agreement to attack Charles of Spain
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When was the sack of Rome?
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What was the sack of Rome?
Charles V sacked Rome and the Pope was captured, he could no longer make decisions
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When did Henry and Francis declare war on Spain?
January 1528, also suspended English trade with Netherlands
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Why was the declaration of war vs Spain a failure?
no army was ever raised BUT did lead to English trade treaty with Netherlands
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When did Henry VIII's divorce proceedings begin with Catherine of Aragon?
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Were France successful vs Spain?
Had early victories BUT were defeated at battle of Landriano
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What did the English/French war on Spain lead to for France?
Pope and Francis made peace, shown at the treaty of Barcelona
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When was the treaty of Cambrai?
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Why was the treaty of Cambrai a failure for Henry VIII?
Peace between Charles V and Francis I, England only invited last minute, shows they had little say in European affairs
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When did the great matter take hold?
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What was the great matter?
Henry needed a divorce from CofA but Charles V was her uncle, it was impossible for Henry to get an annulment after Charles sacked Rome in 1527, Charles V had control of the pope
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What did the great matter lead to?
Henry VIII sacking Wolsey, 1529
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Henry's policy in France, 1512?
Troops to Aquitaine, army to Northern Spain (alliance vs France)
Card 3
Why did Henry's French policy in 1512 fail?

Card 4
When was Henry VIII's second French expedition?

Card 5
What were Henry's successes in his second expedition?

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