Henry VIII- Early Years

  • Created by: jennyroee
  • Created on: 20-03-17 14:23
When was the accession of Henry VIII?
April 1509
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When did Henry VIII marry Catherine of Aragon?
June 1509
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When was the Battle of Spurs?
August 1513
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When was the defeat of the Scots at Flodden Field?
September 1513
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When did Wolsey become chief minister?
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When did Wolsey become Cardianal?
September 1515
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When was Wolsey appointed Lord Chancellor?
November 1515
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When was Mary Tudor born?
February 1516
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When was Wolsey appointed papal legate?
May 1518
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When was the Treaty of London?
October 1518
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When was the Field of Cloth of Gold?
June 1520
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When did Wolsey meet Francis I of France at Calais?
August 1521
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When did Wolsey meet Charles V at Bruges?
August 1521
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When was the amicable grant?
April 1525
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When was the Treaty of the More with France?
August 1525
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When was the Eltham Ordinances?
January 1526
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When was Wolsey instructed to explore the possibility of obtaining a divorce?
May 1527
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When was Wolsey removed from Power?
October 1529
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How did Henry's appearance change over time?
He went from being 'tall, attractive, muscular and well proportioned' to being 'fat, bloated, nearly blind man who had to be moved by a series of hoists'
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Explain the break from Henry VII:
At the beginning kept his father's policies and methods of government. He arrested and executed Edmund Dudley and Sir Richard Empson
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The announcement of the marriage to Catherine of Aragon:
Henry VII had refused to send her back to Spain or marry her to Henry, he used her for diplomatic manoeuvrings, restored the Anglo-Spanish alliance
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What did Henry want to prove himself?
Valiant- by going to war and being successful. He had been bought up on tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table, and his Grandfather, Henry V, who won the French throne, part of Henry's inheritance
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What dominated the early years of his reign?
The desire for War and Glory
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Why was this not always successful?
France was much stronger. Henry faced difficulties at home as his ministers such as Archbishop Warham and Bishop Fox wanted to continue Henry VII's reign
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What did Warham and Fox trick Henry into renewing?
The truce with France in 1510, when Henry had wanted to go to war
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Who was Thomas More?
European scholar, he was a royal servant to Lord Chancellor in 1529, but resigned over the divorce. Despite being a frien
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Who was Henry V and what was Agincourt?
Henry's love of warfare was inspired by stories of Henry V, won battles in France, beating a larger French army in 1415, he signed a treaty with France declaring his son as an heir to the English and French thrones
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Who was Archbishop Warham?
1450-1532. Had been Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor in 1504, had less influence when Wolsey became legate
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Who was Ferdinand of Aragon?
Married to Isabella of Castile, made Spain a major power. He wanted to strengthen his northern border and pursue his territorial claims in Italy, more likely to be drawn into conflict with France, than England
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When and how was Henry going to launch his expedition to France?
1512, with the aim of taking Aquitaine. Following the alliance with Ferdinand, Henry sent a campaign to Spain for a coordinated campaign
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Was it successful?
No, Ferdinand used the distraction to seize lands in the Pyranees. They returned home having achieved nothing but having cost a lot
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What did Henry decide?
To try again in Calais in 1513, but this time he would not need support from his allies Ferdinand and Maximillian
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What did the French realise?
The English could achieve little if they avoided full battle, so there was only slow progress through part of Northern France, took Therouanne, Max burnt it to the ground, took city of Tournai
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What was significant about Tournai?
Not economically important, but internationally known so gave Henry the glory he desired
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What was a great propaganda victory?
The battle of Spus, bolsted by the capture of some French nobles
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What was the Battle of Spurs?
Defeat of the French army in 1513, french rode away quickly, using their spurs to speed up the horses
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What was the Battle of Flodden?
Earl of Surrey led the English Army against the Scots, who as part of the Auld Alliance had invaded England. Over 10,000 scots were killed, including James IV, Henry's sister Margaret acted as regent for her son James V
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What was unsuccessful about the campaign?
Exhausted English finances so Henry was unable to return to France in 1514 to pursue his claim to the throne
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What was successful about the campaign?
French promised to pay arrears of French pension, negotiated by Henry VII, kept his conquests and his sister was to marry the 52 year old Louis XII, advantages were minimal, marriage not a long term benefit
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How was Henry VII different from Henry VIII?
VII was a miser, VIII spent on military matters, on the court and entertainment. Henry was observed as the best dressed sovereign in Europe. Henry VIII created lots of new nobility
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did Henry VIII marry Catherine of Aragon?


June 1509

Card 3


When was the Battle of Spurs?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was the defeat of the Scots at Flodden Field?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When did Wolsey become chief minister?


Preview of the front of card 5
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